When you are beginning your own ice cream vending business 1 of your largest capital costs as of your truck is going to be the freezer. Obviously the freezer is not something which you wish to cut too many corners on because if yours is not working correctly you stand to shed hundreds of dollars in lost income from spoiled stock – and even worse could get you in deep trouble with your local health inspector!
Most modern ice cream truck vendors use a chilly plate freezer for this purpose. A cold plate freezer works by merely plugging it in and letting it charge overnight – it will then stay chilly for the rest of the next day. An used cold plate freezer will probably cost you anywhere between $ 2,500-3,500 while in a new 1 will probably set you back about $ 5000- $ 7000 so this is really a main investment that you've got to correct. Although you wish to save cash you should ensure that any unused freezer you purchase is fully functioning and non-defective. Make sure to test it initial or you could shed a bunch in melted ice cream!
Some Facts about Freezers:
. A great cold plate freezer will keep the temperature down to about -20F.
. The temperature in a properly functioning cold plate freezer will never go above 0? F even on a hot day.
. In the past ice cream truck vendors used dry ice to keep ice cream chilled but it's quite unreliable and is no longer accepted by several well being authorities.
. Cold plates are fantastic because they do not require constant power, are better insulated and have smaller hatches then normal freezers meaning less warm air touches the ice cream.