
Ideas For Fashion Club Activities

Although many schools sponsor organizations for students interested in art, fashion design and merchandising, some students prefer to form informal fashion clubs. Students join these clubs because they are interested in a career in fashion, or simply want to share their love of fashion with others. Fashion clubs attract members by planning a variety of activities.

A fashion club has numerous options to choose from to complete community service. Project ideas include coat drives, collecting used clothing for disaster relief, raising money for a scholarship fund or supporting a famous fashion charity. Of course, service projects do not have to be related to the fashion industry. Recycling, health walks and food drives are also possibilities.

Club members can engage the student body by supporting school events. This may entail attending school athletic events, concerts and plays. See if the club can sell clothing designed by club members at these events to raise money for future club activities. Other students may be more willing to support and join a fashion club if they sense the club is supportive of other student organizations.

After the club has raised some funds, field trips can be discussed. Field trips can range from as close as in the school itself to hundreds of miles away. Set aside one meeting for club members to go to the school library to check out biographies of famous fashion designers. At the next meeting, hold a discussion on the designers. If the club has the necessary funds and the support and permission of the school administration, excursions off campus may be possible. Trip ideas includes jaunts to department stores, movies, restaurants and local fashion shows.

A major activity a fashion club can undertake is providing its members and others with information about the fashion industry. Many fashion clubs even make guest speakers the cornerstone of each meeting by extending speaking invitations to businesses and organizations associated with the fashion world. After listening to the guest, open up the floor for questions.

Another way to give out information is to organize a career fair. In a large room, arrange tables for representatives from various local baronesses and organizations. High on the list for invitations should be colleges that offer programs fashion programs, area fashion academies, design houses and clothing stores. Other possibilities include modeling schools and agencies, art institutes, beauty schools, wholesale clothing suppliers, and stores that traditionally hire students. Open the career fair to the general student body to encourage more businesses to participate.

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