Impatience – The Ascension Seekers' Way To Getting Rid Of It

Do you ever feel impatience coming up as you meditate and work on achieving your own positive internal growth?

Perhaps this feeling of 'impatience' is an all too familiar feeling to you, or could it not be aware of? If you take the approach of 'sucking less everyday' when it comes to your practice, then you might not only be familiar with impatience, but better yet choose for it not to block your practice and Spiritual goals.

The world that we live in is growing more and more impatient. Everything in the external world around us happens so much faster than it used to. As a result people get frustrated more easily when things such as technology does not work fast enough.

Our focus on technology has encouraged us as a species to expect to be gratified as soon as possible. This expectation has cultured the belief that we are in fact entitled to having our needs met quickly and with as little effort as possible!

Many of us when needing to wait for something, use distraction as a way to avoid being with own thoughts and feelings – this logically shows us that 'impatience' is simply 'aversion to the present moment'.

When it comes to tending to our internal reality – impatience is detrimental to positive growth. As mentioned above – impatience in its purest form is strong aversion to the experience of 'NOW' and I would even call it an expression of 'hating' the present moment.

Giving into impatience demands can be the difference between giving up on something you really want rather than sticking to it. It can be the difference between cultivating and solidifying bad habits rather than releasing them.

Impatience communicates itself to each of us differently.

Some of us will experience it as a feeling of frustration – possibly labeling ourselves as someone that simply just can not meditate.

It may look like jumping from one tool or technique to another … like a "Jack of all trades and Master of None." … which in reality often become 'Jack of no trades and Master of none either'!

For those of us in this situation, the attachment to impatience has become so inflexible that they can not settle on one practice and see it through to Intermediate or levels of Mastery … even though deep down they want to.

People attached to impatience may claim to be more evolved than they actually are. These people can feel ashamed of being a beginner and their impatience not to feel this shame hammers them to choose delusion instead.

Another manifestation of impatience can be seen when a Spiritually minded person believes that they are dependent on others for their awareness to be awakened. Their own awakening can not be attained if their own awareness is dependent on the mere re-telling from external sources.

However the narrative of impatience arises within your thoughts, know that if given worth [worth that impatience does not deserve], it will turn from a mole hill into a mountain.

A motto that impatience despises is – "Your practice is both the journey and the destination."

Impatience does not have the structural integrity to end, such as when you are not seeing results, are adverse to learning, or when you simply just do not feel like training.

The feeling of impatience can be subtle at first, but once witnessed for what it is, it becomes much easier to recognize it. Learn to soften your awareness enabling you to move through this limited and extremely impermanent chemical reaction within the body!

You then need only to conscious choose which path you want to walk.

If you choose to actively dissolve impatience then you may need to make that choice over and over again until it becomes ingrained habit. The more solid impatience feels to you the longer you have been busy tethering yourself to it!

The more aversion, distraction, fear, resistance, frustration, irritation [all aspects of impatience] = the more inertia you have given it.

So have patience when dissolving it!

If you have not been doing exercise for 20 years and are out of shape do you think that a few trips to the gym is going to make you toned, trim and terrific! No way!

You have to earn it! You have to stick at it..this is you actively building your spiritual foundations!

Thanks for reading and if you have made it to this point sometimes your impatience is not as controlling of you as you first thought!

Bye for now!
