
Inside Sales Is A HOT Career Area

If you're a young professional thinking about how to break into a great career, you should consider a career in inside sales. Why? There's huge demand for top sales talent in companies that span all types of industries including technology, manufacturing, healthcare, and business services. Right now, the demand for talented inside sales people far outstrips the supply. So, it's a buyers market out there and the buyers are the employees who are shopping for the best possible career opportunity.

If you've been in any form of high volume calling environment and been successful at it in the past, you might want to consider a shift over to selling products and services over the phone using classic inside sales techniques. The mortgage brokerage industry right now has slowed as interest rates have gone up. So if you've been a mortgage broker and you're thinking about how to improve your income, you should consider a move over to inside sales. Why? The same skills that you've honed in making high numbers of phone calls to potential prospects and qualifying them over the phone – those very skills are the same ones required to be successful in technology telesales. We think there's a great opportunity for people to transfer their career even when their old area may have lost some favor and money-making opportunities are not quite as strong. They can transfer their careers into inside sales selling for b-to-b companies. If you're interested in figuring out how to do this, click here to send us your résumé and we'll talk more with you.

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