Few years back garages were not considered as place that need to look beautiful. People left them ignored during home remodeling and decoration. But now trends have been changed and people have realized that garage renovation is necessary to generate lively atmosphere. Garage tile flooring is very beneficial and easy idea to improve appearance of garage. Tiles are available in various colors and patterns. One major advantage of garage tile flooring is its easy installation. Even you can do it on your own. On the other hand covering garage floor with different coating materials such as Epoxy, Polyurethane, Acrylic Sealer / Stain and Latex are difficult to do it on your own rather you need professional contractor to get the job done. This will add up labor charges and contractor fee in project cost that may not suitable for every one's budget.
Important Guideline for Installation of Garage Tile Flooring
A good type of flooring not only gives stunning look to your garage rather it also allow you to clean it in easy way. If you spend lot of time in your garage due to your personal interests you will definitely want to make your garage beautiful, spacious and easily manageable. Suitable garage tile flooring will help you a lot in this regard.
One can hire a professional to get it done. But if you properly plan and organize the things you can do garage tile flooring on your own. Following are some important guidelines that will help you if you are interested in installation of garage tile flooring on your own.
• The first step is to decide that what style and color you like for your garage. Flooring tiles are available in number of different colors and textures. You can design your own pattern with different colors.
• At second stage you need to get familiar with basic tools and materials related to this project. For example you need a mallet, utility knife, tape measure, chalk line and pair of knee pads.
• Self confidence is also necessary to accomplish the project. You must be confident enough and think that installation is simple.
• Start working at the centre of your floor and move outwards. Continue installation in circular pattern.
• Mallet will help you to support proper fixing of tiles if they do not fix properly.
• While working your pattern and when you reach on the edge you must need smaller tiles. For this purpose utility knife will help you to cut the tiles according to required space.
• Floor coatings can be damaged with moisture. But tiles do not get affected by moisture. Tiles are installed on the top of existing floors they do not stick on the floor. Due to this no glue bubbling occurs.
• Tiles floor must be cleaned on regular basis with light chemicals. Avoid infrequent cleaning with strong chemicals. This will increase life of garage tile floors.