
Internet Marketing Systems Cost Money – Read This First

Who Am I

I’m not going to attempt the normal practice you’ll see all over the internet, and especially when being sold Internet Marketing systems, of telling you how poor I was and how cold it was living under a bridge in New York. I don’t believe any of that any more, having read it in nearly every other sales pitch on the ‘net. No; I’m an ordinary healthy bloke, nearly fifty, married with two kids, and four grandchildren. I am very blessed to live in New Zealand, own the home, drive a nice car, have plenty of work as an independent contractor, and am priviledged to fly the old DC-3 Dakota for fun.

So why am I getting into Internet Marketing? Because I have ten to 15 years of useful working life left, before my value to my customer base diminishes. Nobody wants to engage old farts, and there is no leverage in selling my time. When I take a day off, a day’s pay is lost – for good! While I do live the good life, I do have debt and don’t wish to retire that by selling assets. I am determined to pay off all the debt, while also enjoying my lifestyle, and more. I want to replace my income, and boost it!

Internet Marketing Costs Money

If you are down to your last five bucks, go buy a lottery ticket! You won’t turn your luck around on the internet, and establishing yourself on the net is going to cost money. I’ll be honest, I’ve spent in the order of $2,500 on Cost per Click (CPC) marketing perhaps two years ago, to make $40 after several months which I never collected; and another $800 – 1,000 in the last three weeks getting started up again. I’ll be honest, I’ve made $26.40 so far, and that was within the first few days. Since then, nothing! So I’m not a guru, but I am here to tell you what I’ve learned.

I’ve bought three products in the last three weeks:

What I bought doesn’t matter, but here’s what I’ve learned. These systems are good, and I’ve no doubt that they’re going to work when I get them all tuned up. One warning though, these systems sell flat out so don’t expect a personal response to your questions. These guys have email engines set up to deal with the sales process. They’re not sitting at their desk servicing your questions very often. Face it, they’ve made it already and they’re out on the beach!

Lessons I’ve taken from the last few weeks:

It Costs Money and There’s Always More

Typically here’s what will happen. You’ll see an advertisement for a ‘sure thing’ marketing system. You’ll watch a very credible video, and you’ll decide to spend the first $40 – 60.00. Once you’ve bought the system, you’ll be offered a set of ‘copy and paste’ campaigns that you can put to work right away, then another bonus that will save you months and months of learning on your own. Within 20 minutes you’ll have spent over $500.00. Next, you’ll discover that you need to set up an account with a CPC network, or a PPV network; and that you need to register a domain. This will all cost you more before anything starts to offer your advertisements, or sell a thing. Nothing for it really, but to knuckle down, persevere and do the work. Be prepared to fund some set up costs, and feed the networks until you’ve learnt what works! It doesn’t need to be expensive, but it will require some time and funding.

Buy In Steadily

The good news is that you can buy in for just the initial sign up fee, usually of $75 or less. The trick once you’ve bought that is to read the following offers carefully then decline them. Each time you decline, the offer will be discounted – up to three or four times more. Decline them and get started with the basic package. The first introductory lesson will tell you not to worry if you didn’t buy the special or the bonus, as you can still follow though and they’ll be available to you anyway. Take the time to go through the training that comes with these packages and follow through with the required action. The lack of the bonus offers won’t hinder your learning. Buy the bonus packages when you’re set up and ready to use them; they’ll be worth it then.

If you look at the detail on a lot of these pages, they’re at least two years old and still selling. Compare the dates on the ‘evidence’ they present. Don’t give in to the urgency of the offer. It’s there to upsell you.

While I wouldn’t buy a system that hasn’t got a money back guarantee, I’d treat that guarantee with some scepticism. Be prepared to ask for your money back though if the system isn’t performing for you and especially if the upgrade package is not available to you.


Getting into Internet Marketing is no different to getting into any other business, it costs money, takes time, and requires you to learn and apply lessons. You’ll need to put time into setting up pages and systems. Dont let that knock you back though; while it costs money, it’s not outrageous. Consider it an investment in a business, and you’ll be on the right track; think of it as the silver bullet, and you’d be better to go buy a lottery ticket!

Good luck. Get started, and stick with it. See you on the beach one day!

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