
Introducing Assemblies

 Assemblies  are primary building blocks of Microsoft .NET framework. Every application in .NET Framework is  assembly .  Assemblies  are single block of code that contains all the information about the implementation of classes, structures and interfaces. Every  assembly  contains metadata called Manifest. It includes the name and version number of the  assembly , security information, information about the dependencies, and a list of the resources that constitute the  assembly . Hence an  assembly  is partially compiled .NET code.

An  assembly  is self descriptive and consists of:

* Manifest: It contains metadata information such as name, version, culture, resources, referenced  assemblies  and security requirements. In single file  assembly  the manifest is incorporated into the PE but with multi file  assembly  a standalone manifest file can exist or the manifest incorporated into one of the PE files in the  assembly .

* MSIL: It is Microsoft Intermediate Language Code. It gets generated when you compile an application by using the .NET compiler.

* Required Resources: These include the resource files for the application.

 Assemblies  are of two types:

1. Private  Assemblies 

2. Shared  Assemblies 

A private  assembly  is used by only one application while a shared  assembly  is shared amongst different applications. By default an  assembly  is private. Private  assemblies  are always placed in same folder in which application resides. Private  assemblies  are intended to be used for single application. And this frees the developer from naming and versioning issues.

But the shared  assemblies  available on a system are stored in the Global  Assembly  Cache. It is the central storage of shared  assemblies .

This store is located in the :WindowsAssembly folder. Private  assemblies  are used by one application only; they do not have versioning or identity issues. But due to common location the shared  assemblies  must be unique, combination of a file name, a public key, a version number and culture (locale details) gives an  assembly  a strong name, which is guaranteed to be unique.

 Assembly  Benefits – Many deployment problems have been solved by the use of  assemblies  in the .NET Framework.

Microsoft introduced the concept of  Assemblies  simplifying the application design and deployment. These are self-describing components that have no dependencies on registry entries,  assemblies  enable zero-impact application installation.

 Assemblies  have ability to store and execute multiple versions of an application or component on the same computer. You can have multiple versions of the runtime, and multiple versions of applications and components that use a version of the runtime, on the same computer at the same time. Side-by-side execution gives you more control over what versions of a component an application binds to, and more control over what version of the runtime an application uses.

All managed code in the common language runtime receives the benefits of code access security. Basically, Code access security allows code to be trusted to varying degrees depending on where the code originates and on other aspects of the code’s identity. This allows the trusted code to execute. Using code access security, you can specify the set of operations your code should be allowed to perform as well as the operations your code should never be allowed to perform.

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