Is It OK To Break Open Fish Oil Pills If They Are Too Big For You To Swallow?

So is it OK to break open fish oil pills? These capsules or soft gels can be quite large and difficult to swallow for some people, especially smaller children who can also gain many important benefits. Find out what you need to know here. The answer to “is it OK to break open fish oil pills” is a resounding yes you’ll be pleased to know! I have to do this for my two children each morning as they refuse to swallow them, which is fair enough as they are only five and three.

What you should be aware of is that they should be consumed as quickly as possible after you pierce them, or with too much contact with the air they can lose their power. What I do is pour the contents of the capsule into their morning juice and get them to drink it within five minutes or so, and then they get the maximum health benefits. It is also essential to get the purest and freshest oils possible. When you break open fish oil pills, you should smell them to see how fresh they are. You should get a faint ocean smell and certainly not a strong fishy one! Strong smells mean stale or rancid oil which will lead to protests from those taking it (especially kids) and those unpleasant fishy burps. It will also mean that the oil will offer little or much reduced benefits. Some companies disguise stale oil by using an unnecessary enteric coating and flavouring, especially lemon.

An enteric coating protects the contents from the stomach and releases them in the upper intestine which is great for nutritional supplements but not for fish oil, as it should be released in the stomach. Purity is also paramount, especially with all the traces of toxins found in many supplements today. These can be very harmful, especially to kids and include mercury, arsenic and lead. Simply check the oils have been molecularly distilled to remove these toxins and you’ll be fine.

Use these tips to get the maximum benefits of this natural oil including improved heart and brain health, better memory and concentration, less chance of depression and anxiety, lower blood pressure and cholesterol and many more. For kids, they have been shown to actually increase their IQ, improve their vocabulary and speech, aid concentration and improve hand-eye coordination too.

Now you know that it is OK to break open fish oil pills, why not include them in your daily routine and enjoy the maximum health benefits. If you would like to learn more about the pure fish oil supplements I personally take and give to my children each morning, visit my website below.