What is the Feast of First Fruits?
The fever of first fruits or the "beginning of the harvest" was celebrated on Nisan 16 according to the Jewish calendar. This was the first day after the Sabbath during the feast of Unleavened Bread.
The priest would wave a sheaf of green barley to symbolize the Jews dedication of the coming barley harvest to the Lord.
This fever had a great agricultural significance to the Jews after they entered the Promise Land but its spiritual significance goes far beyond grain and barley. This feast is the stress that represents the Resurrection of the Lamb of God Jesus Christ.
See the timeline around Christ's death on the Cross and his Resurrection three days later:
Timeline of Christ's Resurrection
Nisan 14 – Thursday evening – Passover Lamb killed / Christ is Crucified, Dead, and Buried
Nisan 15 – Friday – High Sabbath begins – first day of Unleavened Bread – Stone of the tomb sealed
Nisan 16 – Saturday Day – Waving of the Omar (first fruits)
Nisan 17 – Saturday Evening – Christ Rises from the Dead!
The Jewish timetable has the next day starting at sun down not at midnight! Therefore Christ's Resurrection takes place specifically on the evening of the waving of the barley loafs to celebrate the real reason for th Feast of First Fruits.
Other Important Events that Took place on Feast of First Fruits
A) Noah's Ark landed on Mt. Ararat (Genesis 8: 4).
B) The Jews crossed the Red Sea (Exodus 3:18).
C) Israel ate the first fruits in the Promised Land (Joshua 5:10 12).
D) Haman's plot to kill all the Jews was foiled (Esther).
E) Jesus Christ rose from the dead (John 12:24).
Paul Ties it All Together
Paul also ties the Feast of First Fruits together by linking Christ's Resurrection to it in 1 Coriniths 15: 20-23
20 But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen sleep. 21 For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in all all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. 23 But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ's at His coming.
The Bible is written with such order and such symbolism that all points to Christ. He cares for us so much that He has been revealing himself to the world since it's inception! Take note of Him now! Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior. He can relieve the guilt and pain of sin in your life today. You must ask Him first and then watch Him work a miracle in your life!