
Jobsite Cleaning is a Must For Building and Remodeling Contractors

When I first started working in construction, I was constantly stepping over large pieces of lumber that were spread all over the jobsite. I would often trip or fall over these large cumbersome items and never even think about cleaning any of it up. A clean job can make all the difference in the world and I'm going to tell you why.

When I used to work on jobs that were not clean, I would come home tired and thought it was because I worked hard all day, until I actually worked on a job that was clean. Just the fact that you have to step over construction debris all day long can wear anyone out and it definitely took its toll on me.

Almost everyone has seen pictures of students and people in the military on an obstacle course, running through a bunch of tires. If they do not place their feet directly in the center of these tires, they can easily trip and fall. This is what it feels like to me, when I'm stepping over cumbersome pieces of lumber on the jobsite obstacle course.

It was not until I met one contractor that changed my way of thinking for ever. This man would often spend an hour or two each day cleaning the job himself. I always thought that he was trying to avoid working and this was one way that he could look busy. I still think this was his main objective, but the lesson I learned is stuck in my head for ever.

If you're the type of person who does not keep their jobs clean, I suggest that you try it for a few days and see what it feels like. It changed my way of thinking and I'm sure that it will change yours.

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