
Kaizen and Kaizen Blitz

6 important steps can be defined in the Lean Manufacturing Process.

In this article, we will talk about the 6th step: continuous improvement or Kaizen.

Kaizen is composed of 2 Japanese words: “Kai“, which means “To Change“, and “Zen“, which means “Make Better“.

There are 2 versions of Kaizen: Continuous Improvement, and Kaizen Blitz (or Event).

1. Kaizen continuous improvement continuously makes small improvements in processes, and focuses on the overall value stream.

The underlying philosophy is that there is always room for improvement, and a culture of continuously becoming better is created.

Kaizen Continuous Improvements are carried out by multifunctional teams.

Value Stream, Current State and Future State Maps are used as roadmaps.

The main benefits are:

2. A Kaizen Blitz (or event) focuses on individual processes, and tries to improve them in a short fixed time frame, typically 4 to 5 days.

During this time, a cross-functioning group of managers and employees work together as a result-oriented team.

This is a typical Kaizen Blitz agenda:

The specific Kaizen Blitz benefits are:

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