

Think about a moveable computer that is light and small enough to fit in your lap. The first laptop computer came out in 1981. It was called the 'Osborne 1', after the name of Adam Osborne, the founder. As heavy as 24 pounds, this laptop was priced about $ 1,795. Now, laptops can weigh as little as a couple of pounds. There are even handhelds coming to light that weigh less than a pound. And they do not skimp on features and performance either.

There are many reasons why people go for a laptop instead of a desktop. Laptops have the major advantage of portability. Today, people are working from everywhere, at home, in offices, while traveling and even while they are holidaying. Here, it is imperative to have the freedom to move away from your desk and be able to work. Also, laptops make less noise and require less power than a desktop. They are also simpler to use and, unlike desks, can also be operated on batteries.

In contrast to all these advantages, laptops also have a few drawbacks. In pursuit of portability, we have to give up the comfort of a mouse, and good sound devices. Laptops are slower and offer less sound and graphics processing power than desks, thereby reducing the efficiency and capacity.

In the USA, in May 2005, 53% of computers bought were laptops rather than desks. One reason laptops are gaining popularity is the constant effort to improve their features. They are becoming just as effective as desks.

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