
Learn Affiliate Marketing – Full Frontal Niche Marketing Week 1 Review

Are you successful in Internet marketing? Have you just got started or are you a seasoned failure? Most people never make a dime selling products on the Internet. The main reason? They don’t know what they are doing. They were attracted by the “If I can make one penny on only 10% of the people on the Internet, I’ll never have to work again.” While that sentiment is true, you are not the only person who has had that revelation.

There are hundreds of millions of websites. A study at Cornell University revealed that the top 3 search results get 79% of the clicks. The traffic that goes to the Internet to buy products is not evenly dispersed. To make those millions of dollars, you need to get to the top 3 spots. You have 2 choices, you can pay someone else to do it for you or you can learn how to do it yourself.

One of the most talked about Internet marketing training programs is Full Frontal Niche Marketing by Bryan Zimmerman and Jeremy Kersall. These guys are in-the-trenches affiliate marketers who do this on a daily basis. They don’t work for some large corporation and have access to millions of dollars for research or development or large payrolls. They do this by the seat of their pants. Probably the same way you are going to do it.

Their class is an over-the-shoulder approach where they record their computer screens while doing daily activities. The voice-over is them explaining what they are doing. The nice thing about this approach is they can talk at normal speed but if you miss something you can rewind and watch it again.

During the first week we covered the following topics. They also made a sale during the testing phase. Prior to watching this program I had no testing phase so I learned something already. My actual campaigns were in effect testing phases.

After watching the first week I had already gained a lot of respect for them. I learned why I probably have not been successful. I could actually see my evolution over the past couple of years. In the beginning I had chosen markets that were too competitive. Later I was choosing better markets but was not getting the traffic. Then I would chose a market and learned how to buy traffic but that means the margins were razor-thin and I barely broke even. Now I was in the mode where I wanted to learn and automate functions. I could have compressed this 2 year learning curve into a couple of weeks watching videos. I could then use the videos to duplicate a campaign step by step.

That’s exactly what these guys teach.

Day 1

Video Length 39:19

Intro by Instructors – Bryan Zimmerman and Jeremy Kersell

Steps in selecting a niche to market

What kind of niches should you consider

What to look for in the vendors websites

How a vendor page should flow

What are some things a vendors website should have

Day 2

Video Length 45:44

Testing a niche using article directories

What competitive factors should you consider

Estimating initial traffic BEFORE committing to a niche

A trick to maximize exposure and create more traffic

What patterns should you look for in the competition

Activities and time estimates for testing a niche

GOAL Setting and Planning

This supplemental video sets the tone for the business. If you don’t commit to a goal, your business will be a failure. I was very surprised to see this addition as its usually something that’s completely overlooked except by the most exceptional people in industry. The authors show you how to set reasonable, achievable goals on a long term and short term basis. This allows you to track progress and make adjustments when necessary.

Should be required viewing by anyone about to start a business.

Day 3

Video Length 31:13

Writing article

What are the 5 components of a good article?

How do you build needs to get someone predisposed to buy?

Day 4

Video Length 36:00

Analyze competitors websites to find strengths and weaknesses

Go to ezine to see how other websites promote same keywords

What do the other websites linked from the article look like. Steal the good stuff.

Look for ideas

Day 5 Video

Length 16:16

Analyzing click throughs (CTR)

What is a reasonable rate?

Using Facebook to test a niche

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