Leroi Air Compressors are manufactured and marketed by Leroi, which was founded in 1926. Over the last 83 years, this company has gone on to become one of the most experienced manufacturers of air compressors not only in the US but also the world. The company has for long believed that air compressors are much better than conventional tools as they are comparatively more powerful, light and easy to use.
Their expertise lays in manufacturing state of the art rotary screw compressors, which are ideal for operating a number of air tools and various other applications. These are powerful machines that have the ability to run a vast majority of tools for prolonged periods of time.
Low maintenance and ease of service
These air units are highly reliable and have low maintenance needs due to a fewer number of moving parts. As there are no rings or valves, there is hardly any chance of wear and tear while normal operation. Service is also easy due to state of the art alarms and service hour alerts, which inform the customer about the correct time of service. The units are designed so as to provide easy access for regular maintenance and repair work to be carried out. These combine to prolong the life of the unit and also help in maintaining it in perfect condition.
High efficiency coupled with lower cost of operation
These units perform better due to a smooth operation due to presence of balanced forces and uniform pressure. These are designed so as to operate smoothly at all times and irrespective of the input in the unit the output of air is maintained at a constant rate. This is important to operate the tools properly as intermittent bursts of power will harm both the compressor and the tool being used. A continuous operation at the same rate goes a long way in increasing their efficiency. As these units perform at high levels of efficiency they use much less power as compared to similar products and therefore result in enormous energy savings in the long run.
Various options are available
The company has been in business for a number of years and has slowly but steadily come up with a number of options. The customers can easily select the one which is most suited to their requirement from various single stage and two stage air compressors. Customers may also choose oil lubricated or oil free options as per their preference. The range of options is so huge that sometimes expert help is required to decide as to which unit is best suited to particular customers needs. As almost all the possible options are available with this organization, customers who use Leroy seldom go to some other organization for their air compressor needs.