
Let's Make it Easy!

Image that you wake up one morning and everything was exactly how you wanted it to be. You were in the ideal house, with your ideal partner, and it was decorated the way you have always dreamed of have your house decorated. You rub your eye and try to refocus because you are sure this is a mistake. When you went to bed last night, this was not how it was. You rub again and still the ideal house, partner, family, decoration are all still there. You start to think that you have lost your mind but everyone around you is acting like everything is normal. You continue through your day and go with the flow because everything you do or interact with is so great and such an expansion of your dream vision of what life could be like. You really can not believe it. It was so easy! All you did is go to sleep and when you woke up this wonderful life was waiting for you! Wow, it really was that easy!

As you read the above scenario what thought came to your mind? Where you completely skeptical that this was possible or did you go with the dream and get excited about it? What your answer was will tell you a lot about your inner voice and what you believe you can create in your life. We all have the ability to create what we want and yes it can be easy. Yes, you have been conditioned to believe "no pain, no gain" type of beliefs and there is another way to dream, move, and accomplish all that you desire. Here are some steps that you can take that will help put you in alignment with creating what you want in an easy fashion.

First, decide what it is you want to achieve at this moment in your life. It is best to focus on 1-3 things to begin. As you get better at making these steps a habit you can add as many goals or desires to your list. To get your top desires in order prioritize there importance to you. Tell someone you trust and know will help support you in your goal what it is you are going for. Let them in on your plan. This will help you stay on track and it will also provide you with someone to talk with during the creation phase. Bouncing off ideas with someone is a wonderful way to get clear on what you want and how to make it happen easier.

Second, put these things in order of importance and then start to brainstorm ideas of how to get the desired outcome. One way to get into the flow of brainstorming is to sit quietly with your desire in mind. Focus on the desire and when a thought come to mind write it down. Once it is on paper continue to sit quietly until the next thought comes to you. This is inspired brainstorming. It is a very easy and simple process. When you are in a space of flow, ideas will pour in from your higher self and lead you to the exact thing you need to do to make it a reality.

Third, take your ideas and review them a few times. There will be a few that stand out of the bunch. Those are the ideas you will want to focus on. For an example, let's take someone who wants to bring in their ideal partner into their life. They would first decide on the type of person that they want to attract into their life. They would then brainstorm on way to meet this person like places to go or avoid, connecting with a dating coach, or telling friends that they are ready to be set up with this type of person. After they have done that, they would review the ideas of how to meet this ideal person. The one or two ways that really stick out are the ways this person should start working with in order to meet this person.

Next, you want to find help and support for your desires. Even in the above example, a person looking for their ideal relationship will need support in what they are trying to create in order to make the process easy. They could do it on their own but it will make it a longer and more difficult process. Once they have the ways they want to meet this person, it is a great idea to get people involved to support them. They may need a dating service or a person to go with them to an event that their ideal partner may be attending. As long as there is support the path will be easier.

The final and one of the most important parts of the easy process is to make systems that are working for you all the time. This minimizes your efforts and there are a lot of ways to create systems. Sticking with the example of someone wanting to attract a partner, let's look at some ways to create a system to support the desired outcome.

They may first want to tell their friends what type of person they are looking for, that way if they met someone when you are not around that would be a potential fit; their friend can arrange a coffee date with a few people and invite you and this other person to join them. It does not have to be awkward but it does have to happen. Second step in creating the system is they may set up a profile on an online community that is "working" for them even when they are not on the computer. Third, they can sign up for events and notifications when events are happening that are going to bring in their desired match. This way they are not always searching for some place to go. The information is being delivered right to them. They may also set up a schedule of when they will go out and be in the right mood to meet someone. This can fluctuate but you get the point. We are just trying to make it easy.

Making your life what you want can be easy. That does not mean that it is always going to be fast like in the opening example but making it easy sure makes the ride enjoyable. So to recap the easy formula remember, decide what you want, the order of importance of that and then brainstorm on ways to have this come into your life. Next, review the ideas and take what resonates with you the most. Share your plan with a friend or someone who will support you with the plan. Then finally find support in the way of systems to help make the process smoother and more fun. This is all about creating what you want in an easy way. So remember the great saying "that was easy" and implement the easy formula today.

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