
Living a Physical Labor Lifestyle

grow up in a family where my mom and dad earned a living as physical laboratories. My dad a truck driver furniture mover my mom a packer for the moving company. Everything I grew up around was around physical. Earning a living as a physical laborer is not easy physically or mentally yet many want to look down on the men and women that actually make the lives of white collar workers easier.

If you think about a physical lifestyle you can imagine the body as well as the mind can and will get fatigued from overuse. The white collar worker becomes more mentally fatigued but will become physically fatigued from lack of exercise. But, there are a lot of misinformed people when it comes to building a strong mind and body foundation.

Not all men and women that work in a labor type environment have to do this type of work but choose to do labor type of work. But the physical and mental toughness a manual labor job will build can be incredible using the body day in and day out to support a family knowing that if you get hurt or tired you still have to work. Most white collar workers can do their job in trafficking.

But the thought that the only way to build strength is by lifting heavy weights is not absolutely correct. Certain sports or competitions require the lifting of heavy weights for a couple of second's total. This strength usually will not transfer to anything that requires strength for longer periods of time.

The man that bench presses 400 lbs probably can not do 100 pushups and the reason the 400lb bench press takes a few seconds 100 pushups require more time and a longer period of time to complete.

I also here that people that work labor jobs are old and beat up before their time. Most labors do not take care of themselves. Laborers are drinkers and many are smokers and eat fast foods and drink sugary drinks, typically living what I call a "dirty lifestyle".

I have trained and worked as a laborer for over 30 years and eat healthy, do not smoke or take drugs or eat any fast food and drink only water and some decaf green tea and no longer workout with heavyweights or traditional weights and continue to make gains.

I have noticed watching and being a manual laborer the majority of things that move or lift wherever pushing or pulling majority of the time is light to moderate weight that is unbalanced and very awkward and on occasions heavy weights will and can be lifted even though these men do not lift traditional weights but are strong from a constant using of the body day in and day out.

Life time strength is built from years of using the body and not the traditional resting more than actual training philosophy. We need "Conditioned Strength" not five second strength.

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