
Lose Your Man Boobs – What Not to Do – And What to Do Instead

It is a modern phenomenon that increasingly many men have breasts, or what are known as man boobs. It is a source of shame for many men, and those with them can be too embarrassed to do a whole range of normal outdoor activities. Or take their shirt off when in the presence of a wife or girlfriend.

Many men with man boobs try all sorts of methods to try to get rid of them, but without a man knows what not to do, his efforts could actually make the problem worse. So, here are some of main ineffectual methods that some men try in order to lose their man breasts.

The most common mistake men make is to attempt an exercise program that just works the pectoral muscles. The logic goes like this: if I work my chest, I will get rid of these breasts I've got. Sadly, this does not work: rather than ridding himself of his man breasts, a man could end up making them worse when trying this method of removal. This is because when the chest muscles are strengthened, the man boobs end up being pushed out, making the problem more irrelevant.

The next mistake some men make is trying to cover up their man breasts by gaining weight. Yes, that's right: getting more fat in order to hide the man boobs a man's got. This is the most counter-productive method out there. Rather than ending up hiding his man breasts, this will just make them larger, as most man boobs are weight related.

The last common mistake many men make is avoiding physical activity due to embarrassment. By avoiding physical activity they avoid one of the most effective ways of getting rid of their man boobs: fat burning cardio exercise. This means they end up piling up the pounds, making the man breasts bigger.

So, if these are the approaches a man should not take in order to lose his man boobs, what is the better path? Well, the best one would be to adopt a healthy diet, and plan to do regular exercise.

Rather than any fad diet, one based on the plate method would be good. This means aim to cover half your plate with vegetables, and the remaining two quarters should be made up of one of lean protein (fish, chicken, legumes, etc.), and one of complex carbohydrates (eg whole grains).

And, exercise is the other major component of this approach. A mix of weight training and cardiovascular exercise should be done. Cardio to help burn off the excess fat, and weight training to help sculpt and strengthen a man's muscles. And, all muscle groups should be worked.

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