
Low Ball Bowling – A Great Method For Bowling Buffs

If you already love bowling, why not try it out in a couple of different ways for a change? There is a specific style of bowling in particular that I would like to mention for the avid bowlers out there. This type of bowling is called “Low-Ball Bowling.” Some bowling enthusiasts have found that experimenting with other kinds of bowling provide a great alternative to your normal bowling routine – or even change your favorite bowling style.

Low ball bowling is what I like to call “backwards bowling,” using a standard pin set up. The object of the game, as opposed to getting as many points as you can, is to get as few as you can. Kid-of like goofy, crazy bowl for adults – you want the lowest score. If you are playing low ball bowling strikes and spares are scored exactly the same way you would score a strike or spare in a regular game of bowling. At least one pin needs to be knocked down. A perfect score in low ball bowling is a twenty. Meaning that one pin is knocked over on each of the two balls per frame in the score.

A miss, or gutter ball, in low ball bowling games will be recorded as a strike the first time it happens, (if it happens.) The second gutter ball will score as a spare, this means high points, but high points are not good, not good at all. You’ve got to knock or topple over at least one of the pins to get a low score. Therefore, this version of the game is quite a challenge. Nonetheless, as you can easily gather from the objective, it requires a completely different kind of technique.

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