Serious health consequences await people who are magnesium deficient. Many people feel that the benefits of magnesium is nothing short of miraculous. Some of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency include vomiting, nausea, low blood pressure, insomnia, seizures, muscle spasm, and restless leg syndrome. The question that people also ask themselves which which is better, Magnesium Chloride Vs Magnesium Sulfate.
More than ninety percent of people show improvement in their health when the levels of magnesium are restored to the body. Sea water is known to have great mineral properties and many people actually pour it into their bath water when taking a bath. Miracles are known to happen when the cellular levels of magnesium are increased.
The bones, teeth function better and the immune system is strengthened in no small way with this incredible mineral. It is reported that a French doctor was able to cure a few patients who had diptheria within a matter days by administering magnesium chloride. Furthermore, the same doctor reported that he cured fifteen cases of poliomyelitis and in cases where paralysis had already been set in, the symptoms had been significantly reduced. Magnesium chloride was found to be helpful to people who have a variety of conditions such as mumps, rubella, gastro-enteritis, boils, measles, influenza, whooping cough, chronic fatigue syndrome and many more diseases. In the argument about Magnesium Chloride Vs Magnesium Sulfate it was found that magnesium chloride was much more beneficial. The ancient Chinese believed that magnesium was a beautiful metal that thought about beauty in people's lives. From a more practical view, magnesium chloride does for the body what very little else is available to do for the body.
Other doctors are also confirming these results. They have gone as far as to add other diseases to the list such as asthma, herpes, allergies and conjunctivitis. Again it was magnesium chloride that came through as the miracle mineral of choice. Books have been written on the topic to confirm these findings. Many women and small children have soft skin and bones and they have high magnesium and low calcium levels. Age causes bodies to become less flexible. Arteries will harden and this causes arteriosclerosis. Many other negative occurrences take place in the body due to the lack of adequate supplementation. Magnesium works in conjunction with hydrogen to keep our body structure pliable. It is believed that ovaries are one of the first body parts to calcify and this causes premenstrual tension.
The gynecologist who made this discovery found that the premenstrual tension disappeared once the patients were placed on high doses of magnesium. Patients also found that they began to look and feel much better. They found that their drive for sex increased, they lost weight and their energy levels increased significantly. Men have been found to have better prostate health in particular to enlarged prostates. Magnesium is important in that it activates the enzymes that are needed to metabolize carbohydrates. Nerve and muscle function is also dependent on this mineral. It also has a role to play with the regulation of calcium in the body.
The heart depends on magnesium as well. It is found that many people who have died from heart attacks have been found to have low levels of magnesium. Heart patients who have been treated with magnesium have been found to live better quality lives. One reason for this is that the arteries are dilated and fat levels and cholesterol are reduced due to magnesium. The results are irrefutable that magnesium is needed for good health in all people.