
Making the Most of a Power Outage

A recent series of rainstorms left my home without electricity for 2 days. Being without power certainly made me realize how dependent I am on it. No lights, no landline phone, no computer, and only intermittent cell phone service left me feeling as primitive as it's possible to feel during a suburban blackout. Here are a few observations about my experience that may help you be prepared for a power outage:

Although it was certainly inconvenient, being without electricity for a couple of days gave me the opportunity to break from routine and enjoy the serenity of being "disconnected" for a while. After all, with no TV, computer or other electronics, it was easy to enjoy the simple pleasure of reading, and yes, even dusting. While I do not wish for you to experience a power outage, here's hopping that if you do, you're well-prepared and can weather the storm with a good book (and dust cloth) in hand.

Wishing you simplicity, harmony and freedom.

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