Management Barriers in Company Growth and Transitions

Are you a manager in a company that is ready to improve growth in all ranks, you may even have a system in place, but something is going haywire with this growth phase? Could it be your management style is the root cause? Then follow this coach advice.

In his book, The Next Level, James Wood discusses "five growth barriers that threaten companies during the transition stage (1) The Treadmill Mentality, (2) Management by Insanity, (3) Rear-view Mirror Management, (4) ESP, and (5) Midas Touch Management. "

"The Treadmill Mentality" means working longer and harder to improve organizational systems, but it's often a misconceived approach. It's similar to poor organization of your time-you munch a snack bar and read your business report, all during a 15-minute treadmill workout between phone calls. This approach will not get you the results you're after in any of these areas.

=== Coach Advice === Set as a priority to assess your organization's complete business needs and you will not sacrifice more time later on. To be certain the results are worth everyone's efforts, do a thorough assessment that includes new organizational behaviors and well-trained team leaders needed to make those business changes work.

"Management by Insanity" as used here, follows the familiar definition – "Doing the same things over and over and expecting different results." In this case it applies when you identify what is wrong, but do not take the right actions to change them.

=== Coach Advice === Spread the improvement goal further out. Encourage employee volunteers to form "quality circles," to help define and solve work-related problems without management domination. Demonstrate to these volunteers how their ideas will translate to improved company actions.

"Rear-view Mirror Management" tells us, "You can not drive a car by looking only in the rearview mirror." When it comes to breakthrough change, it is often best to build new programs and policies independent of previous successes, rather than on its shoulders. You can stalemate creativity if you manage based on how things used to be.

=== Coach Advice === Original thinking and creativity are called for. Observe current market trends. Consider this necessary research, but prepare to support leadership development practices that focus on inventing newly.

"Management by ESP" implies the management mistake that companies still make-lack of communication. Employees leave and projects fail, when managers fail to put their ideas into writing and everyone is not kept in a respectable communication loop about a business's direction.

=== Coach Advice === Keep your door open for input and discussion. Communicate clear information downward. Hold only well-organized meetings. Look for ways to expand horizontal communication and develop systems that promote accurate forward, feedback rather than only positive feedback, from your employees.

"The Midas Touch" management style follows a belief you can do no wrong. This lack of humility, foresight and willingness to weigh the customer and employee views can quickly turn profits to stone and turn your boasts to regrets.

=== Coach Advice === Never forget your humble beginnings or to look to the expertise of others who contribute to your success. Do not take trust for granted. Seek to empower employees and design think-tank approaches that utilize their strengths, integrate customer feedback and better prepare your company for its transition.

Follow the coach advice here to avoid these growth barriers and your company's growth plan will be a success!