Marathon gas card, credit cards and gift cards just make shopping and fueling you care easier. If you have a gas card, you can use it right at the pumps so you avoid standing in line at the cash register. Although there are many different credit cards and gas cards, you can choose the one that will fill all your needs. There are benefits to having the gas card to use at any Marathon gas station including rebates and detailed reports every month of your gas usage. There is the Marathon Regular Card, Marathon Premier Card, SuperFleet Card, Marathon Commercial Card and Marathon Fleet Card.
Fleet, Commercial and SuperFleet Cards
The Fleet card is designed for business and commercial customers that need to have better saving, security and control over the use of the cards. This card allows businesses to save money on fueling costs and control who uses the cards for fueling. The Commercial card is simpler and gives the basic information about each transaction and other information. The SuperFleet card is designed to help fleet operators see where their money is going for fuel. This card is good at Pilot and Rich stations, Marathon, SuperAmerica and Speedway stations.
Premier and Regular Gas Cards
The Premier card offers rebates and interest free terms of payment. Many other features make this card easy to use. The Marathon gas card is available at over forty-four locations throughout the United States. You can get up to two percent rebates off your monthly purchases. The card is also good for five percent cash back on cruises, hotels and airlines and fifty percent off movie tickets. There is also a locksmith service and fifteen hundred dollars emergency cash if you are stranded.
The Regular gas card is a great way to purchase fuel at the pump or in the store. This card has no annual fee and is available in over forty-four stations in the country. You can get extra cards at no extra cost.
Buying Power
With most of the Marathon gas cards, you can use them in the stores, car washes and at the pumps. However, some of the cards do have provisions and are only good for gas purchases. The cards that offer open buying are easy to use at the convenient stores. The gas cards are not good for purchases from the co-brand fast food restaurants that are on the premises.
Whether you have a Marathon gas card or a credit card, you will be able to fuel your car at the pump for more convenience. If you need a few groceries, some of the cards allow buying other things on the cards. There are provisions that govern the purchases you can make. The personal use cards are great for those monthly purchases and fleet cards are great for keeping track if purchases made by your employees. Some of the gas cards allow you to choose the card design that you would like. There is no extra charge for this feature.