
Max International Review – An Inside Look From a Third Party

With all of the different network marketing companies, it is hard to tell which one is perfect for you. I am a firm believer it is best to pick a network marketing company whose products you actually enjoy and believe that the products helps people.

Is The Company Legit?

Max International was founded in January of 2006. It is located in Salt Lake Utah. It is a well establish company that is past the pre-launch stage that all home based businesses go through. It is important it is to join a company that is at least two years old and this company meets that requirement.

Are The Products Worth Every Penny?

The thing that makes Max International so unique, besides their hybrid binary compensation plan, is their one of a kind products.

You surely will not find any products like theirs in your nearest grocery store. Their products are back 100% by science.

There first product is MaxGXL, and this product is proven to increase your glutathione levels. This is very important for patients with AIDS and cancer, who typically has low glutathione levels. MaxGXL helps in the fight against stress, aging, or any prolonged illness. MaxGXL stimulates the body’s production of glutathione to compensate your body’s accelerated use of it; strengthens your natural defenses, thus decreasing your risk of illness.

Their second product, Max N-Fuze uses Nanotechnology. There are several key benefits that Max N-Fuze produces for your body:

– Delivers vitamins, minerals and herbal ingredients to support optimal cell function, cellular communication and cellular defense mechanisms

– Provides needed nutrients to further support glutathione (GSH) production

– Delivers targeted nutrients needed to support leptin sensitivity

In a nutshell Max N-Fuze gives you a good serving of all of your vitamins.

Their last product is MaxWLX, which is a weight loss accelerator that uses a messaging hormone called celeptin to communicate to your brain when you have had enough to eat. MaxWLX is science based and it successfully targets body fat.

MaxWLX helps you utilize natural leptin mechanisms for weight loss you can achieve and maintain. It is a stimulant free way to optimize your workout and diet. With MaxWLX you will notice a difference in your appetite, your energy levels, and most importantly, your shape.

Show Me The Money

For those of you are solely motivated by money, I am going to walk you through the compensation plan. Now I may not give you all of the information involving the comp plan, but you will get enough to see if this is something that appeals to you.

Max International compensation plan was put together by individuals who know this industry from the associate side, as well as the corporate side. There are nine ways to get paid in Max International: retail profits, preferred customer commissions, fast track commissions, team commissions, unlimited seven level check matching bonuses, gold advancement pool, platinum and diamond leadership pools, global bonus pools, and luxury car bonus program.

The highest level you can reach in this company is double diamond. Unlimited sponsoring equates to unlimited wealth. As you can see Max International rewards their distributors well for all of their hard work and efforts.

Marketing Strategy

The only thing missing is the plan of action. Now that you have your products, and you know your comp plan inside and out, it is now time for you to draw up your plan of how you are going to get the word out about your business.

That’s right; Max International is a network marketing business. Now it will only pay you like a business, when you start treating it like a business. MLM still has a bad reputation because most people don’t know how to market and they don’t know how to get their products in the right hands.

A lot of people want to call this industry a pyramid; this is so far from the truth. Anybody can advance in your company, no matter when they come in. In fact, just because your company is so new that the floor is still wet, does not mean you will have massive success.

Network marketers failed because they have been inadequately trained. So if you want to get good, get trained and watch your business flutter. No matter if you choose online or offline marketing, or maybe both; you must become a student of your craft first.

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