The firm and enlarged state of the penal is called anection. There are four factors that lead to the erection of the male genitals; neural, endocrine, vascular and physiological. The complex interaction between these four factors causes the penis to erect. When there is a disruption in any of the functions of these four factors, erection dysfunction or impotence may occur. In order to prevent any event of disruption, it is necessary that a male knows the mechanics of erection.
The physiological explanation for the mechanics of appreciation is simple. There are only two mechanisms that are involved inection; increased blood inflow and reduced blood flow. Initially, erection is triggered upon the functioning of physiological stimuli. It starts with the libido function which is directly occurring in the cerebral cortex. This is the sexual urge that makes a man feel the need for sex. When the libido arises, an impulse is sent to the spinal center which is then sent to the penis nerves.
The blood inflow mechanism of erection starts right after the impulse is sent to the penis nerves. When the penis nerve endings receive the impulse, arterioles dilate as smooth muscles relax. Because of this relaxation that occurs in the muscles, the spaces in the corpora nervosa, the chambers in the penal, are filled in. When these spaces are completely filled in, the space is no longer sufficient to accommodate the blood flow, then expansion follows.
The blood flow mechanism of erection starts upon copulation. Copulation is also called sexual intercourse. This takes place when the penal finally enters the vagina. This act continues until the ejaculation and orgasm is attained. Ejaculation and orgasm is reached by the continuous friction between the vaginal mucosa and penis glans. The friction is reinforced by the stimulation of psychogenic factors to discharge sperm from the sympathetic pathway to the seminal pathway. When the sperm reaches the seminal pathway, it is led to the posterior urethra by the blood flow. The brain sends impulses again to the muscles and this signals the end of the duplication because by the time the impulses were received by the penis nerves, orgasm is reached. After orgasm and ejaculation are reached, the discharge resumes and once again, the expanded muscles go back to their normal size as they contract and the blood that comes from the sinusoidal spaces is flowed out of the muscles.
When the above mechanism of erection is disrupted at any time of the process, orgasm and ejaculation is reached. Continuing events of disruption may totally damage the nerves in the penis and this will result to impotence or erectile dysfunction.