
Mind Power Seduction Techniques – 2 Tips to Seduce & Attract Girls

Before I go into detail about the seduction techniques, I would first like to explain why they work (other than the fact they are time tested). A woman's mentality is completely different from a males perspective. They look at life and situations through how they feel, not their rational thought. Now all people do this to an ample but woman are hardwired by them, it is their ruling emotion.

1 * The First Mind Power Seduction Technique is called Fractionation, also known as Positive-Negative Theory

The basis for this seduction technique to attract girls is as you might have guessed, saying something extremely positive immediately followed by something negative in conversation. This will subconsciously create an emotional roller coaster for the woman. Assuming that you are able to hold a conversation, this technique is one of the most effective.

For Example, If you are trying to seduce and attract woman or just that special girl.

"Do you remember that time when your best friend was next to you, and it makes you feel tremendously happy, you feel important, loved, appreciated. then one day my friend got sick and died almost immediately. (Pause) She was gone. "

Now, obviously that is a very extreme example, but that is the basis for that seduction technique, which works like gangbusters.

2 * The Second Mind Power Seduction Technique is called Strawberry Fields (Replace with fruit of your choosing …)

This tactic is to be used only when you have built up sufficient rapport with the woman. At this point you will be able to seduce and attract her easily using this tactic.

"Imagine that you are standing at the gate to a strawberry field. You look in and see ripe and delicious strawberries.


"How high are the gates surrounding the field?"

(This answer will generally determine her mindset towards sex, higher the gate, the higher her guard)
"Imagine you are inside the field, how many strawberries would you pick and eat?"

(This answer will determine how many sex partners she desires)

"After you finished eating the strawberries, you realized you were observed from a farmer from afar, how do you feel about him?"

(Her response will show how she feels about her partner after sex)

This strong subconscious stimuli will compare her mindset to something pleasurable and give you a better understanding of her sexual attraction.

Again, I would like to stress to use this techniques with extreme caution. Remember, just focus on making the woman feel pleasant and all of your dreams to attract and seduce woman will come true.

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