
Monsters Inside Of You: How Negative Spiritual Parasites Can Invade Your Womb!

Sex in today’s society is no longer a sacred topic that was once an intimate conversation between husband and wife, or a private discussion amongst lady friends, midwives, doulas, and elder matriarchs. In fact the media promotes risque sexual encounters with numerous partners parallel to buying candy at a counter, and picking any new flavor you so desire, and whenever you desire. You do not like vanilla, well throw it away and try chocolate. If you do not like chocolate, you can throw that away and try something totally outside of candy, perhaps things you probably should not digest in the first place. Sex as a hobby or as a sport is influenced everywhere, from shows like “Sex in The City” to books like “Fifty Shades of Grey” the so-called sexual liberation has given the green-light to less about love, commitment, and connection and more speed to outlandish promiscuity.

What the media and society does not tell us with all the glamour and sensationalism surrounding sex, is that every sexual encounter is also a spiritual encounter. We know about the dangers of Sexually transmitted diseases and are told to use condoms as protection. Yet what we are not told is how does one protect one’s self from a Spiritually Transmitted Disease! That’s right there are two very real STD’s both sexual and spiritual and both are contracted the same way. They contract through promiscuous, unloving, and casual sex with multiple partners, whom you may know very little about on a spiritual level. Do not get me wrong, sex is a beautiful and pleasurable act, but sex is also a sacred connection designed for a man and a woman who love and respect one another on every level. This means respect and commitment with the person’s mind, body, spirit, and emotions, not just the physical body. In our world today, sex is abused as a perverted function and used as a pleasure-seeking robotic game. This twisted and distorted perception is creating zombies in men and creating monsters within women, and destroying their wombs.

This article is not really about sex, it is about the monsters that can become impregnated within a woman’s womb by having sexual encounters with men who are spiritually sick, and who may have negative and dark energy within them. This article will inform you of what takes place on an energetic level of which you cannot see, but can physically manifest within a woman’s body. If you do not know or you are not certain whether or not your partner has good spiritual energy, or a high spiritual vibration you might want to rethink that booty-call or one night stand!

What In The World Is Spiritual Energy- and Just How Does This Effect a Man & Woman During Sex?

For years now science has proven that our bodies are made up of pure energy. Everything in this universe is made up of the same energy. It is just presented in different forms and shapes. Every cell in the human body has its atoms structured so it has a negative and a positive voltage, inside and outside. Therefore, every cell in our body is a miniature battery. Each cell has 1.4 volts of energy – and this may not seem like a lot, but when you multiply by the number of cells in your body (50 trillion) you get a voltage of 700 trillion volts of electricity in your body. Nothing to play around with at all! This energy is similar to what the Chinese call “Chi.” This is also the energy used in hands on healing, such as Reiki. This energy is constant and has been around since the beginning of time.

Albert Einstein proved this long ago with his Law of Conservation of Energy. This law states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed but is transferred from one form to another. If we are made up of energy, and this energy is transferred from one form to another, it is quite logical to understand that humans exchange energy during sex. In fact every time you make love or have sex there is a significant exchange of spiritual energy. When ones partner has a great deal of negative energy, or a great deal of karmic debt it can create a spiritual intrusion inside a woman’s womb during sexual intercourse. A spiritual intrusion is when negative and dark soul energy becomes stuck and lodged within your reproductive organs and cannot pass through or be released. The reason it cannot be released is due to blockage which stagnates Chi energy.

According to Chinese Medicine which has been around for 5,000 years, and predates modern medicine states our bodies are connected by networks of light energy called our “Chi.” The word Chi simply means spiritual energy. This energy is our life force and it must be able to flow freely in order for perfect health or good health to be maintained. Any blocks in our bodies does not allow our Chi energy to flow and this causes disharmony in our bodies. If negative energy becomes stuck within your womb it often forms blocks, and Chi energy cannot properly flow. When this happens stagnation will soon occur. This blocked flow of energy will eventually cause stagnation of the blood flow or a complete halt of the blood flow. This action leads to tumors, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, teratomas, and other womb and reproductive issues including infertility.

Medical doctors have no real clinical reason as to why women develop fibroids despite the fact that an estimated one in four women of childbearing age have fibroids. Further, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), 20-25% of women of reproductive age have fibroids. By the age of 50 up to 80% of black women and up to 70% of white women have fibroids. Women between the ages of 30 and 45 are commonly diagnosed with fibroids, and African-American women tend to have the highest risk of developing fibroids. However, fibroids have been found in women of all ethnic backgrounds. While doctors may not have medical reasons as to why fibroids, which are muscular growths of tissue invade the womb, Eastern teachings and ancient Sacred Womb teachings have a very clear explanation. These abnormal growths are spiritual intrusions that invade, and suck the life out of women. Fibroids bleed and they take from the blood supply, which is supposed to flow to the vital reproductive organs, such as the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Fibroids leave women tired, having a lack of energy, iron deficient, protruding abdomen, bloating, infertility, and can cause painful sex just to name a few. Fibroids can become as large as a basketball and can totally distort a woman’s uterus causing unbearable pain. Thousands of hysterectomies in women are performed all the time due to fibroids.

Another, spiritual intrusion in which medical science knows little as to why they plague women’s wombs is the ovarian teratoma. The word “Teratoma” is derived from Greek word “teraton” meaning monster. Teratomas may occur at any age but the prime age of discovery is in the childbearing years. The average age is 30. Up to 15% of women with ovarian teratomas have them in both ovaries. These cysts can range from the size of a grape to about 17 inches in diameter, approximately the size of a small watermelon. Teratomas can cause the ovary to twist and impede its blood supply, and if they burst they can cause serious damage. Also called a dermoid cyst of the ovary, a teratoma is a bizarre and strange tumor, usually benign, in the ovary that typically contains a mixture of tissues including hair, teeth, bone, thyroid, etc. What is known is that a cyst develops from a germ cell (a primary oocyte) that is located within the egg sac (ovary). Being a primary oocyte cell, it can give orders to other cells necessary to form mature tissues and often structures that would be found in a human baby, such as hair, bone, sebaceous oily material, neural tissue, teeth, and at its most grotesque some even have eyes. The teratoma is called a monster because this is exactly what it looks like. A distorted ball of flesh attached to your ovaries and having hair, teeth, bone, thyroid, and even sometimes an eye. Viewing a teratoma can be quite frightening to say the least and they may look like something from a science fiction movie. Teratomas however, are very real and any woman could have at this moment a monster inside of them. Yet what force or action causes these monsters to develop in the first place? Who or what is giving the orders for these cells to begin the process of creation? What exactly is this force trying to create?

Casual sexual encounters with others who may have negative or dark soul energy allows for the transmission of this energy to the womb. It is not unrealistic to postulate that this negative energy is what is giving the command to create the teratomas or monsters. The whole purpose of sexual intercourse is to procreate that is its function. Pleasure is merely a side benefit and a fail-safe, divine design so that we would enjoy the act of procreating! Ask yourself what would be the point in doing something that would bring about tremendous pain nine months later unless it is a pleasurable experience? Sex was designed to insure human life would continue regardless of outer circumstances, so yes it was designed to be pleasurable, but never meant to be abused. If we are supposed to create human life during sacred sexual intercourse, what might happen as a result of unholy unions and abusive, perverted, unloving, and uncommitted sexual encounters? We know from reading this article by now that during sex an exchange of energy takes place, but what happens to this energy?

Chi energy is spiritual energy and it is considered life-force energy and should flow freely through-out our bodies to bring about well-being. It would be only logical to assume that negative energy would do the opposite and work against our Chi energy as well as block it. It is know secret within Eastern spiritual teachings that sex is a sacred act in order to unite the masculine and feminine energies within a woman and a man. This union creates the wholeness that we lack and crave from the feelings of separation. The highest spiritual vibration is love and this is the source of Chi energy-God’s love. Love-making between a man and a woman allows for the opportunity to create another human life. So it is not illogical to assume that unholy, and unloving sexual acts also must create something and has the desire to create. The purpose of sex is to create, and you should never forget this fact. So no matter the kind of sex it can and will create, and negative sexual encounters could create monsters inside of you!

Why do we allow these encounters to take place in the first place some may ask? Sometimes when women have a great deal of unhealthy emotions, perhaps from abusive relationships, rape, abortions, miscarriages, and other traumatic experiences. These unhealthy emotions fester and become stagnant energy which can become lodged within their wombs. These blocked emotional energies lower women’s vibrations. Lower vibrations can attract other lower vibration and negative energies. So you may be attracted to a partner who has similar or like energetic vibrations. During sex these lower-level negative energies can attached themselves to the womb and parts within the reproductive area.

How The Womb Responds during unwanted & unloving sexual encounters:

A woman’s body intuitively knows what is sacred and what is not. Our womb tries to subconsciously protects us from disrespectful and dishonorable male sexual encounters, entrance, and stimulation. A woman’s body will often tense up and recoil at unloving sexual experiences. Our emotional connection will shut down and we will not be in the “mood.” Even if we ignore what our bodies are telling us and have sex anyway, most women will desire to cuddle or spoon immediately after sex.This is because it is our nature to connect with our lover. When a woman goes against her nature she is setting herself up for problems to occur. The more casual and unconnected sex becomes, the more a woman disengages from her intuitive abilities, and the more she will become numb. This often leaves a woman confused and unable to reject uncommitted and unloving sexual encounters.

When women engage in unloving sexual encounters it often feels like heavy, thick energy sitting in our wombs and bodies, or our energy field. It feels like extra weight, lethargy, dullness of thoughts, or lack of motivation. These unloving sexual encounters can and often does create emotional feeling such as shame, guilt, unworthiness, feeling undervalued and unloved. Another symptom may be a woman disappearing in her thoughts or mind during sex, and “tuning out” or going numb, in order to avoid being present. Sometimes, during the next day and even several days afterwards you feel a sudden loss of energy and may experience emotional upheavals, severe agitation, and mood-swings. The more you engage in unloving, and non-committed sexual relationships, the more you disturb your womb. If a woman has had sex with 15 men, then she has disturbed her womb energy 15 times. This creates 15 enormous energy blockages that she needs to break down so that healing and wellness can take place. The womb records every sexual encounter and every experience. After a period of time these unloving energetic exchanges become stored and lodged within the cellular memory of a woman. Overtime this can will block your vital Chi energy and can lead to reproductive illnesses such as fibroids, cysts, and teratomas, monsters inside of you.

For men it is a similar response, especially men who have sex with a plethora of women. Men who are not in control of their lower-level, primitive self will abuse the sacredness of sex. Men like this will abuse women’s wombs, not realizing they are actually in search of their maternal connection. These lost men are in search of their mother’s love, which some have never received. For others they have forgotten they came from the protective cushions of their mother’s womb. Such men lack respect for women and they view women as objects instead of the source of their very own creation. Some men even dislike feminine energy and become spiteful of it because their insatiable appetite cannot be quenched. Men like this can no longer feel the pure, loving spiritual energy in which only a woman’s womb can fulfill. A great majority of men are ignorant of their responsibility to a wife, and have know understanding of the powers of sacred womb energy and how it is actually a spiritual battery for men. In ignorance, some men claim they are sex addicts, but in truth they are desperately seeking sacred womb energy so that they can recharge and receive the life-force energy in which they need. Every time, a man has sex he releases precious life-force energy which is why he is exhausted after sex. He cannot get this energy back without the spiritual connection to his wife. However, her womb must be clear and undisturbed by negative energy in order for this to happen. What men do not realize is that all men are responsible for every womb they disturb. If a man disturbs 20 wombs, he is responsible for them all. It does not matter whether a man knows this information or not, karmically he is responsible for these women. Every encounter is an energetic exchange and some men have been with so many women that they have accumulated so much negative energy they are as walking zombies. They can no longer feel anything, they have no emotional connection, and no enthusiasm for life. Men like this often try to numb the pain with alcohol, drugs, gambling, and more sex. Sadly, nothing works to satiates their emptiness. Until such men reconnect with source and begin the process of healing, and making amends and respecting the power of the sacred womb nothing in their life will change.

We live in a world of duality, all things reflect positive and negative aspects. We must be ever mindful that the glamour and sensationalism surrounding sex only reveals one side. Sex is a beautiful and sacred act between a man and his wife, and it was designed as a vehicle for creation to take place. It is very important to remember this fact, and know what you may be creating when you engage in the act of sexual intercourse. When we abuse anything there are always consequences. Yet we do not have to live a life filled with sickness, confusion, and chaos. Human beings are intelligent and spiritual, and it is high time we reclaim our sacred selves, and not allow our lower-ego self to be in charge of our higher-spiritual self. Women do not have to suffer from invasive flesh monsters created from unloving, and negative sexual encounters. Men do not have to become zombie slaves to their primitive selves, acting as sex addicts, and feeling lost, disconnected and out of control. Ancient Eastern teachings such as Tantra and The Sacred Womb teachings, and methods can assist us in creating a better and brighter humanity.

Love & Light,


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