
My Wife Cheated on Me While Drunk – It Was Just Once, But I Can’t Let It Go

Did your wife cheat on you while under the influence of alcohol?

Has your wife’s drunken mistake nearly cost you your marriage because you’re struggling to recover from the news of her unfaithfulness?

It’s frustrating because YOU are the one that works all day and puts food on the table, and the moment that your wife gets time alone she has an affair supposedly because she was drinking.

If you’ve been cheated on only one time by your wife, and it was under the influence of alcohol, then my guess is that there’s one resounding question echoing through your mind:

How Do I Know My Wife is Trust Worthy?

After all, she could just be lying about the drinking part. Or if she’s not lying about drinking, she could be lying about exactly HOW drunk she was.

Further more, what if she wasn’t even out with the girls? Many women, when backed into a corner, will lie through their teeth to make an affair seem LESS bad. In her mind she knows that a one-time fling while drunk isn’t nearly as bad a full blown affair, so that’s what she tells you happened.

Before you can do anything else you should make sure that you really and truly believe your wife’s story about alcohol’s involvement in the affair…If she was lying then that could be all that you need to know.

One Beer or Five?

Let me ask you this: Your wife comes to you and confesses that she cheated on you because she was absolutely plastered, but later you learn she’d only had one or two beers to drink before cheating on you…

What do you do?

I mean, obviously she wasn’t PLASTERED after so little alcohol… Do you still forgive her if she was just tipsy instead of full on drunk?

Many women know that the more drunk they say they were the less blame will naturally fall on her shoulders. So it makes sense for her to like about how much she drank. There’s almost no way to find out the truth except take your wife at her word.

My suggestion would be to try and get a hold of one of the people she was drinking with. Perhaps they can confirm what you can’t trust your wife to.

I Can’t Get Over the Fact That She Slept With Another Man

Unfortunately, there’s just no easy way for you to magically forget what your wife did with another guy. This is a sad fact of life; I honestly wish that there were some button I could push to erase your memories or imagination, but I just can’t do it.

Here’s my advice: Only ask what questions you REALLY want the answers to. Avoid asking any questions about the actual act of cheating, at least until you’re more prepared for the answers.

The only real cure in this situation is to hope that your wife will be there for you and do her part to rebuild your trust. You have to hope that your wife is willing to work even harder than you to come back from her unfaithfulness and rebuild your marriage.

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