
Natural Water Harvesting Is the Way to Go

When we were children, we barely had any care for the world. All we would do is, wake up, call out to mama and dada, eat, play and sleep. When we started going to school, we finally acquired a little sense of responsibility. We’d wake up at a prescribed time, without caring for what our bodies were used to the past few years. We’d do our homework, we’d get our first taste of getting reprimanded, and we’d meet new friends. We finally make it through high school, our first heartbreak, and move on to university. While going through this process, we can’t wait till we get out so we can finally live our lives freely.

Or so we thought.

What we didn’t know is after we walk out of that graduation hall, we are automatically thrown into the world of adulthood with responsibilities that we were never really prepared for. All we know is that Mon and Dad paid the bills and we got free food and lodging. Now that we’re adults, we’ve moved out of Mom and Dad’s house and got ourselves a job. Now the thing is, we’ve got bills and taxes to pay, food and lodging’s no longer free either. Now this article isn’t just to give you a reality check, but actually to give you an idea on how to make expenses a little bit easier on you. Let’s talk about saving half your expenses on water. What do you usually use water for?

Taking showers, washing clothes, cooking food, watering your plants, flushing the toilet and cleaning pretty much anything. How much can you actually use for yourself? You spend more water on everything else, that we’re sure of. The perfect solution to spending less money on water without using less water is well, to use free water. Free water is everywhere, you just have to know how to store it properly. Rainwater is free, and you can use it as much as you want.

You can keep your main water system for taking your showers, cooking your food and for anything you want. You can use your stored rainwater for anything else. If you’re uncomfortable about using rainwater for your laundry and flushing the toilet, set up a small barrel under one of your roof guttering’s downspouts, put a screen on top of the barrel to make sure no debris goes in, and drill a faucet close to the bottom of the barrel. Don’t forget to set up an overflow hole, as well.

Try out this system for a couple of months and you’ll be sure to never want to go without a water tank. You might even want to add another.

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