Natural Ways to Increase Your Penis Size – No Need For Pills, Pumps Or Expensive Surgery

You might not be aware of it but there is indeed a natural way to increase the size of penis. You might think that only surgery can do that but you might be surprised that the natural way to do it is not as hard as it would seem when you really think about it. So for those who are hankering for some ways to lengthen your minute penises, it must be your lucky day because here’s how you can do it:

First, you can take herbal medicines that will help in your quest. Ginseng and horny goat’s weed are known vasodilators, they open up the blood vessels, so they increase blood flow to the penis enabling it to become bigger au naturale.

Then you can also consider your diet, you should know that increase in protein will help you increase size naturally, since the penis is a muscle it will require protein to gain width and length. Vegetables like beetroots, carrots and sweet potatoes are vasodilators as well so you can increase intake of such veggies.

Third step is to work out your penis regularly, and I do not mean sex, although you can still do that with a willing partner. But exercises like jelqing, ulis, kegels and stretching exercise do help in increasing blood flow, the stretching allows for tissue multiplication so the girth and length of the penis is increased, kegels on the other hand help in prolonging erection by helping you to learn to control you erection, so you don’t ejaculate at once.

But if you are not too keen on exercising your organ by your hand then you can make use of devices like penis stretcher and/or penis pumps that generally works the same way by increasing blood supply and stretching the issues you induce micro tears that will eventually be filled up with new tissues so that the lengthening will become a more permanent fixture.

You can also increase penis size by taking natural penis enlargement products like pills and capsules. Just make sure that the pills you will be buying are made from 100 percent natural herbal products. Although before taking any pills it is highly recommended that you consult your physician first to ensure that everything is okay for you to take. You should also read the label carefully to ensure product safety as well as ensure for FDA approval.

So doing one or two of the methods noted above can significantly increase your chances of lengthening your shaft. You just have to be diligent in finding out as to which method to use or which method is most suitable for you and then be consistent about doing it to reach your goal.