
New Protective Clothing For Hot Flour Work In The Cement Industry

In the heat exchanger of a cement plant the rock raw meal is heated up gradually on over 800 ° Celsius, before it is supplied to the actual fuel process in the rotary kiln. In particular with production discrepancies it comes with work on the open furnace system again and again to heavy burn accidents. Therefore these dangerous works may be accomplished by the coworkers only using special personal protection equipment. The protective clothing offered by the supporting industry did not encounter with the coworkers always the desired acceptance. Thus the part very very rigid, heavy and not ergonomic execution was criticized. Beyond that the claimed protection characteristic was not ensured with some materials.

In the enterprise Holcim (Germany) AG was analyzed by Siegbert new field and Norbert Voss the situation. Since the existing standards for heat protective clothing consider the special characteristics of the hot powdered mineral not sufficiently, first in a set of practice attempts the ruggedness was tested by different heatproof materials opposite hot flour. Subsequently, one specified the equipment details of the clothes together with coworkers concerned for this special employment. Afterwards together with the clothing manufacturer the new protective clothing for work was tested successfully in the hot flour range and introduced in the enterprise world-wide.

The jury awarded Siegbert new field and Norbert Voss in the enterprise Holcim (Germany) to AG the promotion price work – security – health in the category safety
engineering ", because an industrial safety deficiency was systematically analyzed here and supplied to a solution. The new protective clothing for work within the hot flour range in the cement industry, developed thereby, encounters with the coworkers – not last also by their consistent participation – large acceptance. The jury stresses that by the employment of this clothes a point of most frequent accidents in the cement industry is defused.

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