
Nutrition For a Healthy Pregnancy

If you are reading this article it's because you want to follow a nutritive and healthy pregnancy … there is only one thing I can say: Congratulations !! You should feel very proud about yourself! I am quite sure you will be a great mom!

If you are worried about what to eat and what not to eat, let me tell you that during pregnancy all you need to do is to make sure that most of your choices are healthy ones and follow a few simple guidelines. Follow them and you will have a healthy bouncing baby growing inside.

The Basics:
You need to get enough overall nutrition into your body since you are taking care of both yourself and your baby. About 300 extra calories more per day above your pre-pregnancy needs are required to support your baby's growth and development.

How do you get a proper nutrition?
The following nutrients are CRITICAL elements and should be included in your diet:

Folate (Folic Acid)
Calcium and Vitamin D
Vitamin C

Where do you get those nutrients from?

Folate (Folic Acid) :
It can be found in: broccoli, spinach, romaine lettuce, peas, lentils, beans, oranges and grain products.
Dietary Reference Intakes: 0.6 mg per day.
Note: It is highly recommended to take a daily multivitamin containing folic acid as many women will not reach their recommended folate intake from diet alone.

Iron :
It can be found in: Meat, eggs, fish, and poultry all have iron.
Dietary Reference Intakes: 27 mg per day.
Note: During the last 3 months of pregnancy, your baby draws iron from you. These iron reserves will help keep him or her from becoming anemic during the first 4 to 6 months of life. If you do not get enough iron, you will become anemic.

Calcium and Vitamin D :
It can be found in: milk, cheese, yogurt, cereals and crackers (now fortified with calcium)
Dietary Reference Intakes: Calcium: 1300 mg and Vitamin D: 200 IU.
Note: You need calcium through your pregnancy to build strong bones and teeth for your baby. Vitamin D is also needed to absorb and use calcium. Getting enough calcium will help your teeth and bones stay healthy too.

Zinc :
It can be found in: meat, fish, oysters, whole grain products, dried beans and nuts.
Dietary Reference Intakes: 11 mg per day.
Note: During pregnancy your new baby needs zinc for cell division and tissue growth. They will use this mineral to utilize protein from you for growth and development.

Vitamin C :
It can be found in: oranges, water melon, cabbage, papaya, cantaloupes, grapes, strawberries, kiwi, broccoli, mango, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, acerola, kale leaves, and citrus juices.
Dietary Reference Intakes: 85 mg per day.
Note: Vitamin C reduces the risk of premature birth, so you should be taking sufficient amounts of vitamin C during the second half month.

Eating well during pregnancy can bring you great joy and expecting a baby is a perfect excuse to start eating better. Many women discover new tastes during pregnancy. They also tend to stick to their healthy diet long after the baby is born. If you just follow a well balanced and varied diet your baby will thank you later.

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