
Oak Flooring – Adding a Touch of Class to Any Home

There is no mistaking the elegance that oak flooring can add to a home. While all hardwood floors are attractive, oak flooring holds a certain degree of respect with people that is hard to describe. If you really want to set your floor apart, use wide plank oak flooring and watch people’s jaws drop when they walk into your home.

When you go back in time a bit, hardwood flooring was the standard that all homes were built with. For most people growing up, it was just normal to have hardwood floors. Over the years, different flooring became much more popular and then of course, it seemed like everyone switched over to   carpeting  in their homes.

Today, it seems as though we are going back in time as the latest fad seems to be hardwood flooring. While the youngsters of this world think that they have discovered something new, the old timers are shaking their heads and thinking that this is nothing special. When they were growing up, hardwood floors were the norm and it was a home that had  carpeting  that was all the rave.

It is very funny how history always seems to repeat itself and how homeowners now are all looking to add oak flooring to their houses to create a rich look. Not only that, but the oldest of hardwood floors, plank flooring is really stealing the headlines. When you combine this with oak, it becomes one of the most attractive options in flooring that is available.

Oak flooring comes in a couple of different options. If you have the skill to do it yourself or are going to hire a contractor, you should use solid wood flooring. This is especially true if you are doing the upper levels of your home where moisture is not a problem. While it will be a little more work, it is much more authentic looking and will have a look that will truly set your home apart from others.

If you still want real hardwood floors but are a little worried about the installation, you may want to think about using engineered oak flooring. While it will still be real oak, it will already be finished for you and all you have to do is install it. Even that is easier as the thicker boards can actually be glued down instead of nailed down. This type of flooring will also hold up better to moisture so that may be a consideration as well as to what you are going to use.

As we said, history often repeats itself and home remodeling and design is no different. For years people have tried to cover up their hardwood floors with  carpeting  and at one time,  carpeting  was considered to be a sign of wealth. Now the most sought after homes on the market have thrown carpet out the windows and hardwood floors are considered to be an elegant and rich look. If our parents could only tell the future, they would have saved themselves a lot of time and money by keeping their floors up and avoiding the whole “carpet thing” . . .

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