Organization and Order – More Power to You

There it is again – the feeling like things are spinning out of control the moment you open your office door. Total chaos. Stacks of paper piling up on your desk, even on the floor. More stuff stacked up in the corners. The cabinets and drawers are overflowing. And along comes a sense of panic that makes you feel utterly helpless. Anxiety is creeping up on you and you feel completely overwhelmed. These negative sentiments go hand in hand and can become dangerous productivity and creativity killers when not deal with.

Many of my meeting planner friends struggle with this. They are experts in organizing people, but seem to have a hard time organizing their stuff! And they are not alone. One out of four surveyed Americans state that they would like to be more organized. If that's you, there is help coming your way! To conquer clutter and regain control – try organization and order.

To make this winning combination work for you, follow these three basic steps:

* 1. Get rid of everything you do not need Be serious in recycling, giving away, discarding, shredding everything that you do not really need any more or in the first place never really needed …

* 2. Create a place everything that you do need Every type of item should have a place where it lives. That way, when you need it, you know where to find it.

* 3. Always put everything back in its assigned place When you are done using an item, put it back in its assigned place.

Once you have organized your space this way, be tough on clutter flare-ups by applying the exact same three steps. It does require self-discipline, but sticking to this system is a worthwhile investment. With fresh energy flowing, you will feel on top of things again. Effectiveness and efficiency will increase. It will empower you, lift your mood, and may even affect your physical health positively. For an even greater power boost tackle your personal living space also and apply the above basic steps in your home, including kitchen and closets. There too, you can conquer clutter and regain control with organization and order.