
Overture Keyword Tool

Still looking for the elusive Overture keyword tool? The keyword tool that is free and give s you the key to the internet riches you have been dreaming of? Sorry pal, but that ain’t gonna happen. Just like the way of solid free tools across the internet, the Overture tool is dead and gone. The time of the free tool is over. And so is your success if that is what you are going into battle with if you are going to compete with me. That’s right. I said it. I will beat the pants of you and send you home to your mama every time you come at my niche with those free tools.

Let me tell you why. There are so many free tools out there (the Overture keyword tool really is dead) right now it will singe the outer crust of your brain trying to sort through the bull to find out what is what and try to make an educated decision. And just when you think you have it all figured out, you move on to find that free ain’t really free and the bait you just bit was a ploy to get you in the door. See, the developers of these paid tools you see advertised are not just going to give you the milk for free. There is a price to pay and the cow needs to be fed. You didn’t really believe some one is going to slave over code for months without expecting some kind of return for his labor did you? They want you to get a taste and get familiar, then you will buy. This they know. It’s like giving away crack till the junkie is hooked.

You will buy a tool that does what the Overture keyword tool used to do. And it will the tool built buy the guy that got you in the door first. Doesn’t that just scratch you the wrong way? Don’t hold your breath for an apology. It is called marketing, right or wrong. He gives you a little for free but if you want the whole story you have to pay the teller, preferably with more now than you would have before. For now you know more about just how much you didn’t really know before. Clear as mud?

The Overture keyword tool is gone. The time of the paid tool is here. If you compete without a good tool (paid tool), you will get your rear end handed to you on a platter. I know if it is me you are going to compete with, you better do your homework. And good luck doing it with that free keyword tool. Even Google is bating you up with that dead fish.

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