
Pavement Paint Selection and Usage

When it comes to the placement of traffic markings and other signs in a parking lot, the most cost effective and practical option is the use of pavement paint. Thermoplastic markings, while incredibly durable and able to last as long as a decade before being replaced, are also prohibitively expensive, and largely unnecessary given the relatively low traffic volume and vehicle speeds that are encountered in a parking lot. Pavement marking tape, on the other hand, is designed for temporary structures or events, and is not meant to be constantly replaced in an area that will see years and years or regular use. Thermoplastics and marking tapes also lack the flexibility that pavement paint possesses, since paint can technically be used to paint any word or icon in existence, limited only by the skill of the painter or the presence of the right stencils for the task. A wide variety of durable stencils are available on the market today, ranging from simple numbers and letters, to popular icons, to court patterns for popular street games like shuffleboard and hopscotch. Of course, the only way to take advantage of these stencils is by purchasing pavement paint, and sticking to painting as chosen method of marking application.

There are quite a number of different kinds of pavement paint, which are designed to be sprayed or painted on differing surface types. Freshly laid asphalt and new concrete are very different in their stability and composition from concrete and asphalt that have been around for some time, so the paint formulations for these surfaces likewise have to be adapted for them. Pavement paints are relatively quick-dry, and should be ready to use within 60 minutes of their application. Presently, the norm is for these paints to be water-based, out of concern for the environment and in consideration of the harm that harsher chemicals can inflict. These paints replace the former solvent-based ones, which are admittedly sturdier but also released injurious substances into the air. Thus, the trade-off of durability for safety is the current norm.

Color is also something to think about when buying a set of pavement paints. Yellow and white are popular choices, since they catch the light easily and are visible even in the evenings. Red is also good for marking prohibited areas, due to the association of prohibition or warning with this color. However, don’t let these options stifle your creativity. If you think that other colors, like blue and green, suit the parking lot better or conform to a prescribed company color scheme, then you should be free to mark the lot accordingly. Just be aware of local ordinances that may require certain markings or icons to be a particular color.

Your location may also be prone to the ravages of inclement weather or extreme climate conditions. If this is the case, you would be prudent to pick up pavement paint that has all-weather performance, and is more formidable against rain, snow and sun. It may be more expensive than the usual pavement paint, but the additional cost will translate directly into longer life and less frequent maintenance repainting on your part.

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