
Perfect Partners – An at Home Business Plan

Being a woman who is a wife and who works at home, it is important to be able to separate the two. The term "balance" is thrown around like jabs currently found on daytime and late night political TV ads and comments, but balance may not be the correct term when we are talking about working at home and "life" at home. Obviously, or maybe not obvious to everyone, we work so that we can live, not the other way around. If two married people are not on the same page on this one, this maybe an early indicator that there may be problems down the road. Work many times is used as an escape or an excuse not to be at the home, but at the end of the day, you know the old saying "On your death bed, no one ever says" I wish I would have spent more time At the office. "

Working away from home, it may considered easier because you are away from your home environment, and have the ability to separate the two. Stay at home or working from home women and men do not have this ability, so how do they handle it? Here are some ideas:

First off, let us take a step back and understand that family comes first, no matter what. So if work at home is getting you frustrated, and you or your spouse is seeing acting out and elevated levels of stress, you need to step back and realize you are working BECAUSE of the family.

Secondly, scheduling. Scheduling on a board or calendar at home so everyone is clear what things are happening and when. Also important to plan weeks in advance so there are no surprises as to where the kids are, which picking up the kids, or who is or is not going to be home to cook dinner.

Third, get away! – If you can not "escape" to the office to get away from the screaming kids, or stress at the house, simply ask or subtly demand that you need to take a few hours "somewhere else" to regroup and refocus. This is obviously best for everyone involved! Ideas that are ideal for this are the library where it is quiet, a cyber cafe so you can stay "plugged" in if you need to, or even your Church if you are a member

Fourth – (and my personal favorite) WORK TOGETHER! If you or your spouse / partner. My husband and I work together on my business at home, and find that although we do not see eye to eye on everything, we have a lot to talk about and find working together and setting and reaching goals is very rewarding as a couple.

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