Pest Control – Carpenter Bees

In general, carpenter bees are at their peak during the spring months. These bees are so named due to the fact that they create galleries inside wood by boring through and making their nests inside. They do not sting, but produce quite a bit of noise. This species looks similar to that of a bumble bee, but has less hair and no yellow. They enjoy settling themselves around homes; under eaves, and in cracks and fence posts. In this article, we will outline a few pest control solutions to help you ride yourself of these insects.


This is a very simple and effective tactic to help with pest control at your property. This method works best if used when the nest is relatively new. New nests tend to have a smaller number, making it easy to deal with.

Try vacuuming during the evening hours. It is during this time that the bees have likely returned to their nest. They are also a bit slower at this time of day and less likely to cause a fuss if disrupted. Simply press the nozzle to the entrance of the nest and flip the switch.


You may want to try spraying insecticides onto the nest itself. Most of these pest control products are quite effective at dealing with the insect. Natural alternatives are also available if you prefer. Application of the insecticide is ideal early in the spring, and as soon as the bees begin to manifest.


Use a substance such as putty or caulk to trap the pests in their galleries. Block the entrance to the best with the material, thus prohibiting their exit. They will be unable to burrow their way into these substances, and they will eventually die. Once this is done, you can even paint over the area to achieve the desired look. Painting will also work to prevent new galleries from being made in the future. This is a simple and very effective approach which requires minimal money and time.

Capturing the Queen

Capturing the queen is a great tactic when the next is new. Once you capture the queen, you must dispose of her. Each nest will have only one female, and multiple males. Capturing the female will ultimately ensure that the breeding process comes to a halt, and thus restricts any further reproduction. With time, the bees will simply die off.

In cases where you find the issue is a bit more intense, you may want to employ the help of a trained exterminator. In this fashion, you will best be able to address the problem, while making certain any additional issues are addressed as well.