
Plan The Perfect Tiki Bar Party

When the last days of Spring trickle into the beginning of Summer, that's the time to begin planning for a party. Before we go into how to prepare for your party, I would like to make a couple of suggestions. First, an outdoor bar party is always more fun around a swimming pool. Luckily, most Tiki Bar owners also own swimming pools. Secondly, because these parties take so much preparation, they are often reserved for special summer events. Events such as your child's graduation, or a family reunion are often appropriate for parties.

These parties are always a tropical theme, usually a Caribbean atmosphere. Because of this, your invitations should have a "Caribbean flair" to them. If you are unable to find invitations to your liking, software programs are available that enable you to custom design your own invitations. In the invitations, suggest that your guests wear tropical apparel and swim wear. Men should wear tropical shirts if possible and ladies should have lots of shell jewelry, tropical hairbands, etc … Also, ask your guests to bring any "Caribbean Music" and cd's.

The Tiki Bar itself is a central focus for your food and beverages. The bar should be brightly adorned with tropical flowers. Hibiscus works very well. The beverages you serve
should be made with fresh tropical fruits. Planters punch or Mai Tai's work very well because they have non-alcoholic versions as well. They should be served in an elegant punch bowl, preferably plastic, and a nice touch is to put a floating tropical flower on the surface of the punch bowl. For non-fruit lovers, have plenty of ice cold beer and soft drinks.

Planning the entertainment for your party is always a lot of fun. If you have access to hool-a-hoops, create a competition to see who can swing the hoop the longest! Play tropical music during the competition and be certain to have something fun and whimsical for the 1st prize winner! A cannonball competition for the biggest splash is always a
big hit! Have this competition prior to alcohol being served! If your guests look to be adventuresome, a limbo contest is always fun.

Following these fun and simple guidelines will ensure that your Tiki Bar party is the hit of the Summer for everyone!

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