
Planning the Perfect Family Party

It is so fun when the family gets together. But a lot of family parties fall flat before the even really begin. But it does not need to be that way! A few key tips for planning a family party can make your next party the family talk for the next year – or even decade!

The problem with most family parties is they are either not planned enough or over planned. Both of these things can cause a party to fail. An under planned party tends to fail quickly. You know the type, guests start to arrive and nothing is ready. There are no activities, not enough food and really nothing to do but sit around and visit. Of course there will be family member who will love to visit, but you will lose most of your group if you do not have something else planned!

Just like an under planned party failures because of no activities, an over planned party fails because the host tries to put to many things into a small amount of time. Do not plan enough activities for a weekend family party if you are only planning on an afternoon.

So, what can you do to make sure your next family party is a success? Here are a few ideas to keep your party moving!

Of course food is essential to a great party, but you need to consider your crowd. If you are planning to have children attend make sure you have kid friendly food in addition to the shrimp kabobs you are making for the adults. Hot dogs, chips, ice cream cones and finger foods are usually perfect for kids. You may get a few that will want to sample the adult food so make sure you have enough of that as well.

In addition to planning food for the kids, plan enough food to last through an afternoon of snacking. Even after the main meal, people tend to snack on chips and cookies throughout the day as they visit. Set up a table outside to put snacks on so you can keep the crowd where the action is.

Speaking of action, you need to have some for a great party! Plan some fun group games that will get people interacting with each other. This is especially important if you are going to have people who do not know each other well or do not see each other very often. Some fun outdoor group games are volleyball, croquet, and a few out of the ordinary games like human foosball and water softball. Have fun and think outside the box for your games!

Spark interest in conversation. In addition to having a table for snacks, set one up with scrapbooks and pictures. This is a great way to start conversation and spark a few 'remember when' stories. These can be cherished moments with family, but it can be hard to get people talking. Little things like photos can help.

The most important thing to remember about planning the perfect party is to not plan for perfection. The perfect party will have flaws and mishaps, but that is what makes it a party to remember. Relax and enjoy yourself. If you have enough food and a few fun games your party will be a success!

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