Porcelain Veneers Vs Resin Veneers: Which Veneers Are Best?

About Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are custom tooth shells that conceal physical dental flaws, like those stains incurred by your teeth from years of sipping grande macchiatos.

Porcelain veneers are shaped from a mold of your mouth. You might also hear them called dental porcelain laminates. Veneers are thin, tooth-like slips that are secured to the outsides of your teeth with a strong, light activated gel.

Once they’re attached to the fronts of your natural teeth, these porcelain shells can do more than shield yellow marks and gray tints. They also hide teeth with malformations like chips, cracks, and rough edges by altering the shape of each tooth they cover.

These veneers (or any veneers for that matter) won’t straighten teeth, but they will improve the appearance of damaged or discolored teeth. They can also close small gaps between teeth.

Recommended age range: Porcelain veneers should be placed on adult teeth only. When gums recede with age, teeth can look dark along the gum line as un-veneered tooth enamel is revealed.

When will I see results?: Veneers take up to two weeks to manufacture, so don’t pop in to see the dentist and expect to get porcelain veneers the same day as your appointment.

Who shouldn’t use it: Crowded teeth may be topped with porcelain veneers – to a point. Ask your dentist how much enamel must be removed to successfully apply the veneers. If you have gum disease, you may be steered away from the procedure until your gums are treated. If you grind your teeth, you can shorten the life of your veneers.

Drawbacks: The procedure is permanent. If you are a commitment-phobe, don’t get porcelain veneers.

The veneers will bond to teeth instantly. Your affected teeth may be sensitive to hot and cold temperatures for a few days to a week.

Aftercare. Brush, floss, and schedule regular dentist’s appointments to prolong the life of your porcelain veneers. Because veneers tend to trap plaque, get at least three professional dental cleanings every year. Trapped plaque can lead to gum disease and subsequent root canals. Teeth can turn dark and brittle after root canals.

About Resin Veneers

Resin, or composite, veneers are crafted out of a putty-like material and are then bonded to teeth. They can reshape, resize, and re-color teeth. Applying resin veneers to teeth requires the permanent removal of part of the outer layer of dental enamel, so the procedure is irreversible.

Resin is considered an outdated material by many dentists Its main advantage is price (resin veneers are cheaper) and speed (they can be made and applied faster).

What It’s Good For

Composite resin veneers hide imperfections that mar your teeth. They can hide discolorations and repair gaps, chips, and general age-related issues. Slightly overlapping or crooked teeth may be fixed with resin veneers.

Who it works for: If you have stained teeth that don’t respond well to bleaching or laser treatments, then resin veneers may be an option. Resin veneers are more affordable than porcelain veneers, though less durable. Resin veneers also tend to look less lustrous than porcelain veneers.

When will I see results?: Composite veneers can be attached to teeth as soon as they harden, which takes less than an hour.

How long it lasts: Though cheaper, resin veneers are less durable than porcelain veneers. They last about five years on average, about half as long as porcelain veneers.

Key benefits of resin veneers: Unlike porcelain veneers, resin veneers can be crafted during a single visit to the dentist. They can also be repaired if they break or crack.

Resin veneers can be manufactured and applied in a single visit to the dentist. Resin veneers have a putty-like consistency that can be sculpted, after which a mild chemical is applied to the tooth and a bright light or laser is

used to harden the material and secure it to the tooth.

Before the resin material can be applied, about 0.5 mm of enamel is first removed from your natural tooth. Scraping off tooth enamel may increase sensitivity for a week or two after the procedure.

Who should do it: Resin veneers can be molded and bonded by cosmetic dentists, but you’ll want to make sure that yours is familiar with composite material as opposed to porcelain veneers. The more skilled the dentist, the more natural the appearance of the composite veneer and the closer the fit to the gum. Poorly fitted resin veneers can cause gum damage when bacteria is trapped between the veneer and the gum.

Duration: A single tooth may be replaced in under an hour, but as you can imagine, the more veneers you get, the longer you’ll be in the company of your dentist. The speed of your appointment will ultimately depend on the number of resin veneers you’re attaching and your individual dentist’s skill.

There is no downtime after getting the veneers, though you may experience an temporary increase in sensitivity to hot and cold food and drinks after the procedure.

Aftercare Follow your typical oral hygiene regimen by brushing and flossing your resin veneers as you would your natural teeth. Schedule three professional cleanings a year to remove any plaque that gets trapped underneath veneers.