Power of Positive Thinking – Turn on the Switch

Pala and Nala both work as Accounts Receivable Clerks for the same large corporation.

Pala is very enthusiastic about her job. She loves the challenge of the daily routine and the monthly cycle. She loves that she must be accurate when entering her information and must care about the little details.

She takes great pride in knowing about her customers and that the credit department call her when they need to clarify information about a customer's credit rating. She loves dealing with the Salesman who want to know whether a customer is keeping up with their payments.

Pala sees her job as a stepping stone to greater things. Pala is study Accounting courses so she can get a promotion. Maybe eventually she will become head of the Accounting Department or even higher.

Nala, on the other hand, hates her job. She hates the routine day-to-day drudgery of data entry. Once the month end roles around and the reports are produced for the Controller and the Credit Department, she sees it all starting over again.

She too hopes for a promotion. She believes that what she is doing is all that she needs to do to deserve one.

Nala is always the first to leave at night and the last to arrive in the morning. She is just praying for the day when she can get out of this department.

What is the difference between these two persons? Both have the same job. It is easy to say that it is attitude, but what exactly does that mean?

It is as though some people have a mental switch. Some mental device that points them in a direction that makes everything seem to work out.

For those people, neither positive nor negative seem to be a problem. If there is some obstacle in the way, they simply keep on going toward what they know they want and can accomplish.

In a sense they live both in the now, and in the future. They can fully imagine themselves living their dream of the future and doing whatever is necessary in the here and now.

It is as though they are being dragged into the future by their dreams and goals. It is not a question of positive or negative, they fully realize they will need to accept both of these. It is a question of focus, of setting a goal they not only can live with but one that they truly want.

Even in the throws of the greatest mental challenge they realize that this episode will also pass. This episode is just now. This can not be forever. They will not let it be.

They know that they can find their balance and resume their passage through to the their most important mission. Living and loving life.

To find your switch you need to know where you want to go and whether you are prepared to do everything that is necessary to get there. You need to give yourself the determination to accomplish your life goal.

You have to be prepared to give more than is expected of you. You have to be prepared to live with it within your current commitments to family and friends.

Your enthusiasm can be harnessed from anywhere in your life experience. Go back into your memories and find even the smallest moment of your life when you felt the excitement.

Bring those same feelings into your planning moment as you set your goals. You already have all the resources you need to get through life, so harvest them and reap the reward.

The switch to happiness and success is easily turned on. No one else can or does anything to prevent you from getting them. So choose to live purposefully moving toward your goal knowing that you will encounter both negative and positive obstacles.

Turn the switch on.