
Precious God! My Lord – Let’s Completely Surrender to God

Life is full of challenges. Each day of life brings with it, new challenges, hardships, difficulties, anxieties and worries. All are struggling in their own way as they walk their own path of life. At times, it just becomes very difficult and painful to bear. When the mind is engulfed with pain, we seek divine help. We realize that it is only God, who can show us a way and protect us from all the pain of the World.

Every time I feel disturbed and distressed from inside, I remember a song which we used to sing during our school assembly prayers. As a child, I used to love singing this song to myself in my mind often. It is still very close to my heart and when sadness hits me, I pray to God to keep his MIGHTY HAND on my head. I close my eyes and invoke divine presence in my mind making it calm and peaceful. The Divine hand of God represents the love, care and blessings of God. He showers his unconditional love and bestows us with the consciousness of his presence everywhere and within every soul. Almighty God is precious and invaluable.

I don’t know the writer or composer of this song. But whoever has written the lyrics of this song, I salute that noble soul. The sentences are expression of a distressed soul. I’m sure everyone can relate with the lyrics of the song. At times, the road or journey of life appears to be too long, narrow and weary. But the very thought of God, gives calmness to the mind. All the burdens are released with the glimpse of God in the mind.

The World is full of people who hurt us, cheat us, deceive us and betray us and often influence us in their own tricky and deceitful ways. Such experiences break us from inside. Our confidence on our own self often gets shattered and we get scared of people around us. It is in such situations we need the guidance of God. We pray to God to guide us out of the influence and grip of such evil company.

The lines of this song have worked as medicine for my wounded soul. The song surely has magical touch and divine blessings. The song lyrics are as follows:

“The road of life grows weary, sometimes so hard to bear.

But then I think of Calvary, I leave my burdens there.

Satan tempts me day by day, as I walk this narrow way.

Precious Lord! Keep your mighty Hand on me.

As I start to meet the foe, in this world of grief and woe.

Precious Lord! Keep your mighty Hand on me.

Lord I give my life to you, use me as you wish to do.

Precious Lord! Keep your mighty Hand on me.

As I face the storms of life, in this world of toil and strife.

Precious Lord! Keep your mighty Hand on me”.

On these bend knees I pray,

Help me Lord, not to stray.

Precious Lord keep your mighty Hand on me.”

In this toil and hardship of life, the only way out is to bend down in front of our Lord and surrender ourselves completely at his feet.

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