Prenatal Vitamins – 3 Things You Should Know

Are you wondering if you really need prenatal vitamins? You're not alone. Many healthy women feel they do not need to supplement their diet, especially if they already feel perfectly fine. You might even be asking whether the vitamins can do more harm than good? What about the effects on your unborn child?

Here is what you need to know:

  1. Always consult with your doctor about the best brand and type of vitamins that are right for you. A doctor may recommend different brands or varieties of prenatal vitamins depending on your current health, your history of pregnancy or miscarriage and also your family history.
  2. Most pre-natal vitamins will supplement your diet with added calcium, folic acid and iron.
  3. a. Calcium – this is important for strengthening the bones of the mother. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, calcium and minerals may be lost from your body as the baby grows. This may result in weak bones and decreased bone density. By adding a calcium supplement to your diet, you are helping to shield yourself against future bone degeneration.
  4. b. Folic Acid – recent research has shown that folic acid can prevent birth defects. Certain defects of the brain and spinal cord are reduced by more than 70 percent when Folic Acid is taken during pregnancy.
  5. c. Iron – low iron levels in the mother means lower oxygen levels to both the baby and for the mother. This can result in extreme tiredness in the mother and is generally not good for the overall well being of mother or baby. An iron supplement boosts iron levels and, as a result, the mother's blood is rich with oxygen for a healthier pregnancy.

It is best to begin taking prenatal vitamins before you start trying for a baby. That because Folic Acid is especially beneficial if the mother has a good supply in her body when the baby is conceived.

In recent years it has become widely accepted that taking prenatal vitamins will not harm you or your baby. In fact, they are highly recommended by doctors and will do more to improve your well being than harm it.

If you are trying for a baby, or newly pregnant, be sure to start taking your prenatal vitamins as early as possible. Speak to your doctor about the supplement that is right for you.