
Preparing Children With Lesson Plans

When a disaster strikes children are frequently the most effected of all people. During disasters if they are natural or manmade it is our responsibility to properly prepare our children to cope with what may befall them. They must learn how to survive on their own in the event we are not available to assist them.

We are living in a turbulent world today where man can caused some of the most dreadful and severe effects on our environment that we have every experienced. In the same sense our natural phenomenon from Mother Nature has been becoming progressively worse over the years. We now encounter super hurricanes, an abundance of flooding and earthquakes where there previously were none. As survivalists we must teach our children to be flexible to these dramatic changes.

Far too often we overlook the value of sitting down with our young children and explaining the ins and outs of disaster survival, sometimes from an unconscious desire to preserve and protect their innocents or because we simply feel they are too young. Perhaps we do not wish to bury their young minds with scenarios that may never take place or maybe we fear that a frank discussion of possible future events will haunt our young loved ones with nightmares but you would be surprised at how these children can cope and understand what you are trying to tell them.

When we finally have those survival talks with our children we must naturally approach the issue with a measure of delicacy. We are not out to clutter their minds with unfounded fears or to whip their behaviors into line with our own brand of thinking. Our goal is to inform and teach them what can happen if the wrong strings are dropped and all logic fails to prevail. By providing our children with a deer understanding of the potential dangers the process will better prepare them to deal appropriately with any catastrophic event which may occur.

In both the military and in my university courses on Emergency Manage I have been conditioned to accept that communications is complimented with listening. As you refer to the future crisis situations which may possibly happen, listen carefully to your Childs feedback. Answer all their questions directly and honestly. If you do not know or are unsure of a response let them know that you will investigate their concerns and get back with them. To a child every question they have is vital and important for their understanding of what is about to effect their life. Who knows you may even develop different perspectives on the issue as a result of listening to the child.

It's vital that your children know exactly what they should do as well as when it should be accomplished and why. I have taken the liberty to place a sample lesson plan on my website for downloading. I use these lesson plans as part of my grandchild's home school survival training. They are very effective in helping to teach young minds the value of being prepared.

By Joseph Parish
Copyright @ 2010 Joseph Parish

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