If your LCD TV is still relatively new and you are still experiencing problems with it, chances are that it is HDMI related. Although HDMI is the ultimate means to getting high definition videos, it has a catch: to prevent its content from leaking onto the Internet for free distribution, its manufacturers have created something called a High Density Copy Protection- or HDCP. This protection scheme ensures that the display and source devices recognize one another and affirm that it is valid to send a video. Without this affirmation, therefore, your video disappears.
The first thing you should do when you experience any of the following problems with your LCD TV is to treat it just as you would a problem with your computer: reboot your LCD TV. Turn it off with the power button, wait a few seconds, and then unplug its socket from the outlet. After waiting again for a minute or so, you can plug the television back in and then switch the TV on again. There is a strong likelihood that your problem will get resolved by this.
If you still experience problems after this, then the issue most likely lies with HDMI configuration. The following symptoms signify some possible HDMI-related problems and are followed by suggestions to overcome them. Do not be daunted by the technical terminology: using your manual you can with ease pinpoint any hardware mentioned here:
– No picture: Ensure that all of your connections are in place, and then restart your television system. If your screen then shows resolution, that means that the DDC line has linked with the right source and the problem has been solved.
– No Audio, a Pink Screen, or Flashes:
The lack of audio plus a pink screen usually means that there is a DDC communication problem. To resolve this, switch on the power while all HDMI cables are connected. Using shorter cables also helps. If for whatever reason the system will still not come on, you might need to use different inputs. This may be accompanied by your cable box working and your DVD player not working, or vice versa. Such a thing usually happens because there is stray capacitance throughout the DDC line that is inside the HDMI cable. Thus it may be the hardware itself causing the problem. Such an issue can usually be resolved by getting a DDC line conditioner.
– Sparkles in the Image:
Such a thing usually indicates transmission problem with the video data. Such problems with HDMI tend to be cable-related: perhaps the cable is too long, and/or not of a good quality, and consequently is not performing well. The HDMI specification does highlight that your cable length should not be longer than 10 meters. Shortening the cable thus should improve signal integrity.
– Picture flickers on, then off: This can be caused either when one video TMDS channel or more has an increased bit error rate, or has ceased working altogether. Or, it could be due to the DDC line, which means that the HDCP is not receiving a new refresh key. It is advised that you invest in a high-quality cable with a longer wire.
It is important that you at least be able to identify the source of your LCD problem: even if you find that you are not able to repair it yourself, you will know what the repair company is charging you for.