
Process Derailment – Using Lean Six Sigma to Get Back on Track

It can be very disconcerting when you are working with Six Sigma Projects as a means of improving processes in your business, and then something within the Six Sigma Process goes wrong. In order to avoid this, you need to be very careful in planning for and deploying your Six Sigma Projects, especially when it comes to Lean Six Sigma. Human error is something that we can not live without, but we can plan ahead for it and do the best to be prepared for any situation that might come our way.

The first rule to stay on track with your Lean Six Sigma is to forgo the superman mentality. What does that mean? That means that you are not invincible, nor is your company, and you need to be willing to accept that so that you do not make silly mistakes that could be avoided. It does not matter if you have the best Six Sigma Training that money can buy, because you are still human and humans have been known to make errors. Having this kind of mindset will leave you less detail oriented and less focused on the results, which will actually make you more susceptible to problems in the long run.

Lean Six Sigma is designed to help businesses eliminate wastes and reduce the amount of resources that are used in processes. By taking this basic principle and applying it to your different business areas, you will be much better able to get the results that you deserve every single time with your Lean Six Sigma Projects. You do not need to over complicate things, but you also should take the process very seriously. It was definitely not one of the things that you want to take lightly, no matter how simplistic it may seem at first. Staying focused and task oriented, is the best way to avoid process derailment.

Utilize your training when things go wrong. Assess the situation, plan a strategy, and remember that a slight setback does not have to lead to complete project failure. Do not waste time dwelling on the things that went wrong or what you could have done better, because you need to be spending that time moving on with the process, and trying to figure out how to implement a successful Lean Six Sigma project into your business. As long as you maintain a proactive role in all of your Six Sigma Projects, you'll be much better able to get the right results and stay on track until the project is completed.

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