
Pros and Cons of Big Breasts

With so many women looking to increase the size of their breasts, you may be surprised to learn that there are some drawbacks to having a large chest. Hollywood and mainstream society glamorize having large breasts, and rarely do you hear about any problems that might be associated with them. But breast reductions are a common procedure among women with extra-large bosoms. Let's look at some of the positives and negatives that come with having big breasts.

Attention – No one can deny that women with larger breasts get more attention from men. Science and biology have proven that on a genetic level men favor women with larger breasts for their assumed ability to provide more nourishment to their offspring. It may not have any practical bearing, but if it's a perceived benefit on an instinctual level, it's hard to argue with. While the taste of men varies from one man to the next, and each has his own preferences, generally speaking bigger gets more looks. Women that do not want the attention might consider this a negative, but if attention is what you're after this is a major benefit.

Backaches – Women with extra large breasts might find them a nuisance in the form of pain in the lower and upper back. The extra weight makes a woman top-heavy and the strain is transferred to the muscles of the back in order to compensate and maintain balance. Simple motions like bending over to pick something up, or reaching over to grab something might throw a woman's back out or cause a spasm if she is carrying an unruly load. Back pain is the number one reason cited for women that are getting bread reduction procedures performed.

Assumptions – Others might make value judgments about you if you have a large chest. Some people might think that you are flaunting your large chest and that you do not have any other qualities other than being big breasted. You might feel that people do not look past your rack when they are sizing you up. You might get frustrated that people will not look for the inner you, or wonder what makes you tick. You might be wearing a very conservative outfit, but with your large size you can not help but make it look like it's too much cleavage.

Too Much Is Too Much, Sometimes – Many men report liking a handful. Anything more than that can be perceived as too much and borderline excessive. While this is not the case for some men, who think that no breast is too big. If you think that your breasts are just too much for some men to handle, you can get them downsized, or get a man who loves what you have, making this a pro or a con depending on your outlook.

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