
Pros And Cons Of Oxygen Therapy

The use of oxygen therapy continues to be a topic of debate among the medical community. Some people believe it is a very effective way to help someone feel better. Others believe there is too much of a risk of using it because there are unknown effects from it. There are also individuals that contend that there isn’t any real benefit from it and they are just scamming people for their money.

Society seems to really take on new forms of therapy though. They are always willing to try the next best thing that is offered. Oxygen therapy is the process of filling the lungs up with more oxygen than the person is normally taking in. This allows the tissues in the body to have more air and for the blood to circulate to the extremities if that has been a problem.

Those medical professionals that due believe in oxygen therapy are trying to get it in use for those that suffer from too much carbon dioxide in their body This is often the result of lung problems. Individuals with emphysema, respiratory problems, and heart disease often need more oxygen than they are getting.

Yet there are so many different factors that affect a person with such ailments that it is hard to determine the overall benefits of oxygen therapy for them. It is impossible to control the many variables. It is believed that the use of oxygen therapy though early on will be a way to give such individuals a better quality of life. Many of them suffer for years and then die slowly due to heart problems, circulation problems, and the toxins that stay in their body due to the carbon dioxide not being removed with the intake of sufficient amounts of oxygen.

There are a couple of different ways in which oxygen therapy can be given to patients. Liquid oxygen injected on a regular basis can be a fast and effective way to give them the oxygen as therapy. There are some kits that allow the patient to administer the oxygen therapy on their own. Yet due to the risks of using liquid oxygen this isn’t left in the hands of anyone but medical professionals.

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