
Reasons That I Change to LED Lamps

This is my countdown of 7 reasons to changing to LED lamps:

#7 – Dimmable for Mood Lighting

The light from a LED is purer. That means lights with LED bulbs can be dimmed and still retain their color. The light from incandescent bulbs yellow when they are dimmed.

#6 – Soft, warm glow

Some users prefer incandescent bulbs because they give off a soft, warm glow of light. Older LEDs gave off a glaring light that was harsh on the eyes. Now LED bulbs can match the soft glow of the incandescent bulb.

#5 – Versatility

LEDs can be made in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes.That means they can be made to replace almost any bulb. With LED bulbs, you can have low energy lighting for everything from holiday decorations to overhead lighting.

#4 – Silent

Have you ever had a bulb at work that gives off just enough of a humming sound to completely disrupt your concentration? LED bulbs are solid state and so will never make thrumming, ticking, or pinging noises.

#3 – Not Full of Toxic Mercury (fluorescent bulbs have mercury vapor)

Compact fluorescent lights, CFLs, contain mercury. This toxin has been associated with brain damage, birth defects, and other conditions. That means that if you’re using a CFL and it goes out, you can’t throw it in the trash. And if one gets broken it’s a tricky and hazardous clean up.

#2 – They Are Safer

Have you ever had a light bulb that burns out after it’s been on for a while? Those suckers get hot. The heat that burns your fingers can also be a fire hazard to your home. LED bulbs work so efficiently that they stay cool to the touch, even after having been on for hours.

#1 – They Save the Environment While Saving Me Money

LED lamps do not use flimsy filaments like other bulbs which makes their lifespan much longer. LEDs can last for more than 30,000 hours. That’s many times longer than incandescent bulbs. Longer life means fewer replacement bulbs, saving money.

They are also way more energy efficient than other bulbs. Only 20% of an incandescent bulb’s energy is used for light, the other 80% is lost to heat. LED bulbs are the opposite, only losing 20% of their energy to heat. And they only need 10% to 20% of the power to produce the same amount of light as an incandescent bulb. That means lower energy bills.

Both of these money saving features is also great for the environment. Fewer replacement bulbs means less waste, and needing less power to run means lower carbon emissions.

LEDs have been lighting up televisions, calculators, and cell phones for years. After my next trip to the store they’ll be lighting my home. Then I can sit back and enjoy saving money by not buying another bulbs for years to come.

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