
Rely on Floor Lamps to Not Only Add Light, But a Creative Element to Any Space

Anyone that’s looking for some versatile styles in designer floor lamps will be thrilled with the variety of popular styles on the market today. They’re industrial, eclectic and classy.

Single Bulb

The majority of the designer floor lamps on the market today to include pendant lights offer a minimalist and industrial look featuring one single bulb, and then very little features around them. Buyers should consider the popular glass shade look with a steel base. The look is understated, powerful and clean for any space, and is sure to draw plenty of attention.

The cord-and-bulb look is also popular when it comes to pendant lights. Picture your typical pendant light without the shade. Again, this is minimalistic and beautiful. Many are surprised by the finished look an “unfinished” fixture can give. Wood and various types of metal are very chic in 2016 designer floor lamps, and they have very little color if any.

Mixed Materials

Another popular design trend in designer floor lamps is mixed materials. On trend are lamps with two-toned styles such as contrasting black and brass, or even two metal finishes such as steel and brass. Even the shades can be made of metal. One may also see wood, metal, ceramic and glass mixed together in unexpected ways.

The strange combinations are what makes these designer floor lamps eye-catching and fun. Thinking outside the box is a décor theme not only seen in lighting fixtures but also in homes such as in the kitchen, with mixed appliance and drawer hardware finishes; in the bathroom with lighting, sink and shower elements; and various other rooms throughout creating a stylish but functional look that everyone loves.

Multiple Bulbs

At times, having more than one bulb is needed to make a decorative statement via designer floor lamp lighting! Globe styles are becoming quite popular, and perfect in contemporary settings. They give a feel of being in the city, perhaps stepping onto the subway in New York City. The combination of metal and glass gives a stylish feel to any space, and can easily create an atmosphere that feels posh and uptown.

Steel is super popular, and adjustable steel shades are great for helping brighten up the features and areas that the homeowner would like to illuminate. Consider a shiny chrome finish to really make a statement!

Whenever several bulbs are displayed within one large structure, the result is sleek and modern. Designer floor lamps with a cast iron base and various types of glass are gorgeous. Frosted glass can diffuse the light and set a mood within a space. If they are dimmable that’s an added bonus!

Acrylic Styles

While many have acrylic furniture within their home, they may have never realized there are acrylic designer floor lamps that use both single, or two or more bulbs. These pair well with fabric shades that have a mesh material.

These are just some of the best styles for designer floor lamps this year, and they’re all a great investment! It’s important to let the décor of one’s home, including the lighting fixtures, show their personal style. This way the home is more enjoyable for them, creating pride.

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